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Tree Puncher

Tree Puncher (2/8)



  1. I appreciate the help, but I can't seem to figure out how. Every drive I've installed through the website says it cant install with my device, even after watching several tutorials. Trying to update via system just says I have the best ones already installed. I'm using Intel(R) Graphics 530.
  2. running modrinth without any mods, on version 1.20.1 gives me this error, which you can find here This is the ONLY information I am provided in the output in modrinth. However, I can play any vanilla version just fine via the normal minecraft launcher and it runs fine. The issue is playing any forge version. Running forge through the normal launcher with 0 mods installed immediately crashes the game, with the same crash log minus the suggested options, and an error code of 0. This is an ongoing problem. Please help, thanks.
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