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Tree Puncher

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  1. so my friend is unable to play this and atleast 1 other modpack that load just fine for me, this specific modpack is a version of Cisco's Fantasy Medieval RPG [Ultimate]-V5bRe.zip the end bit is the version of the mod it is, and its not the newest cause we tried switching versions if that would fix the error code 1 issue, then found a reddit post that said how to get the logs for it but the rest of the fix i didnt know how it worked or it just didnt work. help would be appreciated, and idk what all i need to provide but heres the logs atleast; https://docs.google.com/document/d/1VyncuA_EMMIk9vhq59I5O2oEVKGxdUD6jxpw4NMZQdI/edit?usp=sharing
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