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Tree Puncher

Tree Puncher (2/8)



  1. I did exactly like in the instruction , i even copied the build.gradle from alex mobs like he told in the instruction for citadel 1.7.0 and above, and i got 100 different error no matter what i changed in the build.gradle, i once managed to make a build succesfull but then the run client wasnt working I did exactly like in the instruction , i even copied the build.gradle from alex mobs like he told in the instruction for citadel 1.7.0 and above, and i got 100 different error no matter what i changed in the build.gradle, i once managed to make a build succesfull but then the run client wasnt working
  2. I want to add the citadel library but my build fail , idk how to add it i never tried before to add a external library and i cant find any documentation
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