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Tree Puncher

Tree Puncher (2/8)



  1. It just says the mod i had but i dont have now.. and i didnt even use these mods and it still was crashing with the mods
  2. And im invisible and so are the enteties
  3. ALSO only my survival world shutdowns when i made a new world it worked normally
  4. Turns out each time mc shut downs it doesnt count for a crash report T~T its still shutting down with no message besides server shutdown
  5. I have a mod pack that I have played on for like tens of hours and now suddenly when i enter my save it works for a second then says: "Servershutdown" ive heard its from too many mods but i never had that issue i even deleted some less important mods and i increased how much power minecraft can use from 16g too 20g.... also heres the full crash report PLEASE help i need my thaumcraft modpack T~T -EDIT- the crash report is wrong since a shutdown doesnt count as a crash and it only does so on my world when i make a new one it works perfectly normal.. and enteties are invisible even me..
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