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About misstrixx

misstrixx's Achievements

Tree Puncher

Tree Puncher (2/8)



  1. so i am making a mod pack and the simple hats mod is in it and i am able to put on the hats but i cant see them on my character.
  2. it worked thank you! do you know how i could add the shaders to a curseforge modpack?
  3. wait dont i need java 17 or at least some kind of java version for forge?
  4. !!!solved!!!!! hi so im trying to do shaders for the first time for 1.20.1 with optifine and cant find java 17 which is the one i need i think right?
  5. thank you so much! it didnt directly fix it but it did lead me to figure it out and was able to keep bats galore in the end just had to remove and re add some mods!
  6. so i am making a modpack for some friends and myself and everything was good until i tried to figure out shaders and was trying to download java 17 and it just got to confusing so i gave up and was going to wait for one of my friends that has history of messing with shaders as i dont and i went back to curse forge and started my modpack up to keep working on other things like the quest line im making and now im getting this error pop up right before it says "ERROR DURING MOD LOADING"it closes back into the Laucher and gives this error code !!!!!solved!!!! https://paste.ee/d/WkxbmvcX
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