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Tree Puncher

Tree Puncher (2/8)



  1. i did make sure prism was updated, and it is. the issue isn't just with 1.21.4, it's with a bunch of other versions, except 1.21 and 1.20.2.
  2. i did try with a new download of vanilla, and it launched fine.
  3. so, say i haven't played vanilla minecraft in a very long time, and i can't find 'minecraft' in my applications folder (i'm on mac), and i've since forgotten what i used to use to access vanilla minecraft. how would i find it?
  4. the full console text from the most recent attempt: https://pastebin.com/RWPG6Tug this is on a clean new instance of 1.21.4 in prism. - old installs work. i haven't tried editing them. - changing the minecraft version works, only for 1.20.2. any mods for anything other than 1.20.2 will cause the game to fail to launch. - i tried switching launhers to neoforge and prism, and got a similar result. i'm fresh out of ideas.
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