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Tree Puncher

Tree Puncher (2/8)



  1. Thank you! that fixed that issue! Though now, I have a white screen whenever I'm in the game and when I minimize and back fullscreen, it becomes a black screen. edit: I disabled shaders and it removes the white or black screen, so I'm assuming that the version ForgeOptifine 1.20.1 isn't currently compatible with any type of shaders? I do have my NVidia Drivers up to date and I have used Shaders in the past in other versions.
  2. Hello, so I'm trying to play Minecraft with a new set of mods that I collected and originally I couldn't get passed the loading screen because it would crash, so I had to add mod per mod to find out which one caused the crash. Now, that I found out what mod was causing my crash, whenever I click "Create new World" in single player, it crashes at "Saving World". I thought it was Optifine, but I originally tried it with fewer mods and it worked perfectly well, now that I add the rest, it's causing it to crash. I also read somewhere that it was because I needed more RAM, also tried adding or removing and nothing. I would really love to know which mod(s) is causing my Minecraft to crash, since I have never had this issue before. Here is my latest log: https://mclo.gs/ghnePtI and here is my crash report: https://pastebin.com/UpvXMJ6d (idk if this is supposed to be long)
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