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Tree Puncher

Tree Puncher (2/8)



  1. Hey guys, I'm trying to use the simple planes mod https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/simple-planes with a nuclear bombs mod https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/nuclear-bombs . The simple planes mod has a cargo plane that can drop tnt, and i want it to work with the nuclear bombs. I added this JSON file from chatGPT to the payloads folder in simple planes (because the nukes couldn't even get stored in the plane in the first place), but this only allows the nuke to drop but doesn't explode: https://mclo.gs/3uEQIX2 . This nuke mod requires a redstone signal and then manual activation, which makes this tougher i imagine. If someone could write me a code for the payload folder for simpleplanes, something that even tampers with the nuke mod, or any general suggestions that would be great! Many Thanks
  2. I'm trying to make a local host better MC server but with a few extra mods for dinos guns and planes and whatnot. I'm trying to create a single player BMC4 world with the extra mods added to test it and it gets stuck at 100%. I know you guys can't do anything without crash logs but its too long to paste and idek how to make a link with it. Any suggestions about my plan are appreciated Update: Figured it out - https://mclo.gs/6eIAlfB
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