I have downloaded the lastest Minecraft Forge sources (minecraftforge-src-1.6.1- I made simple ModLoader based mod (i know that this way of mod creation is deprecated - please don't write this, I need help for something else ). After I recompile it and get no errors, I start client from MCP. I get this error in minecraft window:
and this error in console: http://pastebin.com/LmZLpEAb.
I have tried making plain mod and also making mod in right way. Using @Mod(...). I got the same error. Is this my mistake or is this bug that needs to be fixed by forge developes?
NOTE: This message dissapears after 10 seconds and minecraft starts normaly. But I am developer of mod maker and users would find this annoying and I would need to put some kind of warrning message. Is there any option to get rid of this error message?