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  1. got back to me before I could get back to this thread... Turns out the problem was magiclauncher -- something changed recently, and forge (and my mods) weren't being loaded). I used the installer and the Mojang loader and everything works fine now. Now I just have another issue with the enchantplus mod not loading in SMP. (that saga is in another thread) Thanks, -- pryankster (NIT: if usernames can't be >16, why does MC allow them? The "string too long" error message seems to have a great many appearances in a number of different situations -- most related to mods -- seems like a red-herring type error message most of the time ;-)
  2. The server side code of the eplus mod is calling cpw.mods.fml.common.registry.LanguageRegistry.getStringLocalization() from the server side. Is this legal? (yeah, I know I should take it up with eplus author -- I have posted a bug on his github) It works local single player and multiplayer, but not headless on my remote or local server. Crash log from local (headless) server: http://pastebin.com/2PQ8nZkm --pryankster
  3. Getting closer... The server no longer crashes on startup, but I can't login (I can see the server on the connect screen, and the connection happens, but I get the dreaded: Server installation is clean; new map, no mods (except forge defaults). 'jar' directory on server is exactly as prepped by forge installer on my local PC and uploaded to hosting provider. I also tried running the server locally (by running the mincraftforge-universal-1.6.2- and then running the client to connect to localhost, but got similar results. Attached logs: Remote forge log: http://pastebin.com/uX0KZP2n Remote server log: http://pastebin.com/9fyRE7vK Local forge log: http://pastebin.com/2ksp0BTx Local server log: http://pastebin.com/ALYcEQbW Any suggestions would be most welcome! -- pryankster
  4. no-go for 780... different error, though. forge log: http://pastebin.com/GKZt9N7G Server log: http://pastebin.com/vXdcgkBt The 'jar' directory was created by the installer.jar. contains 'minecraft_server.1.6.2.jar' 'minecraftforge-universal-1.6.2-' and a libraries directory -- all of which were populated on my home PC and uploaded to the hosting server. -- pryankster
  5. Hate to say "me too", but "me too" :-) Pastebin of log (777, but 779 gives the same error): http://pastebin.com/m3azHzm1 Pastebin of server log: http://pastebin.com/RH2NmMrV (note that this is log output from multicraft GUI, and is in reverse order -- newest lines at top) Server is hosted by PickleHosting, which uses multicraft control panel. -- pryankster
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