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Everything posted by Ferrary33

  1. I have a command, that sets a destination (for a portal) which is in theory supposed to save a variable to commandsender's NBT. The variable is then used by an item, which makes a portal to the said destination. The variable is saved and loaded properly in single player, but on the server it does not load it (is it using a different set of objects?) I also tried a global variable in the main class, but that doesn't work either (server is probably using a different set of objects) Saving: @Override public void processCommand(ICommandSender icommandsender, String[] astring) { try { if (astring.length >= 1) { ((EntityPlayer)icommandsender).getEntityData().setString("destination" , astring[0]); BungeeCordForgePortals.destination = astring[0]; ((EntityPlayer)icommandsender).addChatMessage("Destination set to " + ((EntityPlayer)icommandsender).getEntityData().getString("destination")); } else { ((EntityPlayer)icommandsender).addChatMessage(getCommandUsage(icommandsender)); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } Loading: this.destination = player.getEntityData().getString("destination");
  2. Good afternoon. Here's my situation: we have a forge server, that is using Bungee cord (http://www.spigotmc.org/wiki/bungeecord/). It's supposed to be a bukkit plugin, but our admin somehow managed to use it with our forge servers. Basically, you have multiple servers linked up with BC and you can teleport between them using /server SERVERNAME. What I'm trying to do is a portal mod, where you can "teleport" between servers using the BungeeCord commands. I added a portal surface, that sends a command to the server on collision. If I use vanilla commands, everything's fine. The commands work properly. When I deploy my mod to the test servers with BungeeCord and try the /server command, it reports that there's an unknown command. The command is "/server test", which usually works, if a player types it out manually, but does not work, if I use a portal. Here's the code: public void onEntityCollidedWithBlock(World world, int par2, int par3, int par4, Entity player) { try{ ((EntityPlayer) player).addChatMessage("instantiating server");// for debugging MinecraftServer server = MinecraftServer.getServer(); ((EntityPlayer) player).addChatMessage("instantiating command"); ICommandManager command = server.getCommandManager(); ((EntityPlayer) player).addChatMessage("sending command"); command.executeCommand((ICommandSender) player, "server test"); } catch (ClassCastException e) { /* * Empty, because it is to be expected whenever a mob touches the * portal. Laggy? Let's try, see what happens. */ } catch (NullPointerException e) { ((EntityPlayer) player).addChatMessage("NullPointerException"); } } http://paste.minecraftforge.net/view/b2e3e23b It doesn't work at present, at least not with the custom commands, it worked with vanilla. What I was thinking is, that I should somehow trick the server into thinking, that a player manually typed the command and sent it, but when I tried to .addChatMessage() it just wrote the command out.
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