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Creeper Killer

Creeper Killer (4/8)



  1. Does anyone know what trigger to set up and how in team city to make it build on every push? Thanks!
  2. Yeah, I meant which, as in which out of the four form the superclass should I override. I did all four, and called a specific one from the other three. Here is the one method I was talking about: public void doRender(EntityTestBoss p_76986_1_, double p_76986_2_, double p_76986_4_, double p_76986_6_, float p_76986_8_, float p_76986_9_) { BossStatus.setBossStatus(p_76986_1_, true); super.doRender(p_76986_1_, p_76986_2_, p_76986_4_, p_76986_6_, p_76986_8_, p_76986_9_); } [code]
  3. Which doRender method Do you know?
  4. Hey everyone, I have been trying to make a "boss" mob. What this means for me, is that a health bar and the mobs name render on the top of the screen, like the wither. So far, what I have is the standard mob setup. I have a Class extending EntityMob, Have a renderer class, am registering the mob class, am registering the renderer in my client proxy. But I can't figure out how to get the boss bar to render. I have been looking at EntityWither, ModelWither, and RenderWither, but with no avail. Any help is appreciated, especially is you have experience with this kind of stuff
  5. This is fixed in 10.13.0.x builds for official 1.7.10.
  6. Thanks a lot diesieben07. I added it to all the lists just to see what would happen, and the results are quite cool.
  7. The title basically says it all. What I have so far is a class extending biomegenbase, and instance of it, which I add to the biome dictionary and do ModBiomes.testBiome = new BiomeGenPenIsland(Integers.testBiomeId); BiomeDictionary.registerBiomeType(ModBiomes.testBiome, BiomeDictionary.Type.MUSHROOM, BiomeDictionary.Type.MAGICAL, BiomeDictionary.Type.SWAMP); BiomeManager.addSpawnBiome(ModBiomes.testBiome); BiomeManager.addStrongholdBiome(ModBiomes.testBiome); BiomeManager.addVillageBiome(ModBiomes.testBiome, true); . But I can't find the biome anywhere after literal hours of exploring, in which I found 2 mesas and 5 roofed forests, which are supposed to be rare. If you have a working biome added to the main world, please tell me how you have done it. Thanks!
  8. You do NOT need a tick handler to do things while the player is wearing armor. Explore your armor's superclass, it has a method onWornTick.
  9. Could you please post your program args?
  10. I can setup the workspace, minecraft won't open from intellij. Can build and export project though. If you can't setup post your log, I had a few issues with setting up workspace myself, may be able to help.
  11. With some research I found that userProperties is related to twitch...
  12. Please confirm in latest forge, log does not say anything about non-forge/fml/vanilla.
  13. It takes two seconds to update, but it you can only test with gradle build and install into your game, it's not fun to test.
  14. You need CodeChickenCore too
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