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Everything posted by willhew

  1. Yes I have registered the Entity and I have registered the Renderer, heres how I have registered the Entity EntityRegistry.registerModEntity(EntityHippogriff.class, "Hippogriff", 44, this, 40, 3, true); And here is how I have registered the Renderer RenderingRegistry.registerEntityRenderingHandler(EntityHippogriff.class, new RenderHippogriff(null, 0)); What do you mean by "obfuscated names"?
  2. Hi there, I have coded in my mob as I usually would, so I run the game and spawn it, I hear its first couple of sounds before I crash. Here is the error report: And here is the Render class Can anyone help me fix this please? I literally just copied the cows Render code so I dont see why it dosnt work, Thanks, Will
  3. Thanks for that Now I may finally get this done and move onto my next project
  4. Ok, I may just stick with the way it currently is , but aside from that, does anyone know how to generate items in chests inside our Java files? We have the java files and the chests spawn in there but I want to have items generating inside these chests, any thoughts? Thanks, Will
  5. Hello there, I am on the Fossils and Archaeology Revival team, mainly doing generation. Currently I am trying to convert our current method of using Java written structures into .schematics, can anyone help with this? Like are their any open source examples? I have the NBT tags all set up but I haven't really done much work with .schematic importing. I'm not asking for all the code to be handed to me, just a few pointers to get me going willhew
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