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That seemed like a really good idea, but sadly not working. Or at least not for me. I put a call to System.out.println("running custom chunkExists"); in my override and it never showed up in the log. I have no idea what minecraft uses those chunkexists methods for, but I have been unable to coax it into calling it. But thanks for the suggestion. If you have any other input, I'm all ears. It would be fun to get this working, but I am all out of clues at this point. The only thing I have not tried is rebuilding the MapGenerate classes, but they are pretty scrambled and a bit hard to follow. Plus it's not exactly a clean solution.
Thank you for the tip. I got it mostly working, but it turns out that getting rid of mineshafts floating in mid air is non-trivial unless mapfeatures is disabled all together. So I think I am giving up on this idea for now. Maybe some day I will stumble across the way to make it happen.
Shamelessly self-bumping in hopes of any kind of feedback
Hi. I am trying to make a mod that will have a completely empty world. I would then like to be able to "recreate" chunks at will so that they look like they would if Minecraft had just done its thing as it normally would. So far I have tried creating a custom WorldType in order to inject my own WorldChunkProvider and override the provideCunk method. The idea was to just return an instance of EmptyChunk if the chunk was not in my list of "living" chunks, but when I run that it just spews out this error: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: net/minecraft/world/World$2 So I am guessing Minecraft still needs to do some work on the chunks that it expects to be full of blocks, but its just guesswork. I have also made my own EmptyChunk class that only has an override for the getBlock method so that it always return a Blocks.air, but that only provided me with more of the same error. If I change it to return Blocks.bedrock all the time, it gives me this error instead: java.lang.ClassCastException: net.minecraft.block.Block cannot be cast to net.minecraft.block.BlockRailBase That is ofcourse only when there is a mineshaft below. If that is not the case, the game starts, but instead of the affected chunks being bedrock, they instead appear to be air. Until one tries to walk over the edge that is. There is an invisible wall so it looks like the chunks really are 100% bedrock but they are not being rendered as such. Fluids will not flow over the edge and arrows get stuck on the invisible wall so clearly some blocks are there but not being shown. If the world is shut down and reloaded, the chunks are now really just air, but any new chunks created will have the invisible bedrock in them. I am thinking I am trying to do this in the wrong place in the code. A lot of other things seem to depend on the (now invalid) information that this chunk should hold something like a landscape inside it. Where else can I make this change so that it is reversible. Ideally it should just be a single "if" statement to check if the chunk is in my small list of "living" chunks and if not, then just fill it with air. I have tried looking at how the end is created, but with no luck. The only other place I could think of to look for inspiration is Mystcraft, but that does not seem to be opensource. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I am trying to make a new world generator. The world will be mostly empty (think skygrid), but I am at a loss as to how I do that. I have followed this guide: http://www.minecraftforge.net/wiki/Adding_World_Generation But that is only for adding blocks to the world as it is. I would like to have my generator show up on the list in the main menu. One way of getting an empty world is to just have a superflat generator and then feed it one of the commands that will make it generate a world with nothing in it. But even that, I cannot see where happens. I have been looking through the code in net.minecraft.client.gui.GuiCreateWorld, but I cant see how any of those buttons trigger their associated actions. But maybe that is not the right place to be looking? I want most other things to still work as normal (mob spawning, water/lava flow and such) and also be able to generate any block that is put into forge via installed mods so that it will work with other forge mods. Any pointers you could give would be great.
Trying to setup forge in IntelliJ with the guide on the wiki. The guide has been updated to 1.6.x eliminating all my previous problems, but now I have realized that I want my mod to work with the many other mods still stuck on 1.5.2 So I am still using the older version of the guide, but now I am also using the correct version of forge for it. I have made a paste of my errors here: http://paste.minecraftforge.net/view/0cf50133 The file is in forge/mcp/src/minecraft and that path is correctly selected as source root (as per the guide). I have tried reinstalling forge multiple times, but with the same result. So what am I doing wrong?
So, I have gotten rid of the import errors. Just found all the JAR's manually and set them up as dependencies. But now I have a new problem. http://paste.minecraftforge.net/view/0328653e All these errors. The first ones are about fml_at.cfg. I have 2 of those files, seems to have exactly the same content. But apparently they are not located where Forge expects them to be. The laters one about NullPointerException I cant get much headway on. The error happens in some compiled code and I dont know how to look at that. Can anyone give me some hints as to what is wrong here? Many thanks.
A bit more info. The first import that fails is: import org.apache.commons.lang3.Validate; But the path for this file is: org/apache/commons/commons-lang3/3.1/commons-lang3-3.1.jar Now, I have limited Java experience, but isn't that why it cannot find anything? Its the same story with com.google.gson, there is a dir named "code" in the path, but not in the import statement. Since I dont think all the paths have changed and changed just for me, can someone explain to me why the imports are not working. Many thanks for any clarity you may be able to shed on this
I have gotten a bit closer, I think. When I go to add the build artifact to the "Before Launch"-list, I can only select MyForgeMod JAR, not the MyForgeMod > Forge that I am suppose to select. I have tried creating them both again following the guide very closely, but no matter what I do, they wont show up. Any ides ?
Ok, thats good to hear. But perhaps I should have been more clear. I found the jars and I have done as described in the guide, but I get the import errors. I could just add some things as dependencies, but I am unsure how much I can safely add. Also, some of the things it complains about, not being able to find, comes from inside minecraft, but that might just be me reading the logs wrong.
Hi, I have been trying to set up using this guide here: http://www.minecraftforge.net/wiki/Forge_Development_in_IntelliJ_IDEA But the files "jinput.jar", "lwjgl.jar", "lwjgl_util.jar" and "minecraft.jar" are not where the guide says they are. I cant even find minecraft.jar anywhere near there, but found 1.6.2.jar instead, dont know if that is good enough. I suspect that is why I get all these errors about things that cannot be imported, but if its not like the guide says, what then? The output when I try to run it. http://paste.minecraftforge.net/view/079560a4 Any other info you need? Many thanks for any help you can give.