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Everything posted by rstalbans

  1. Thank you very much. Taking the time to help - I'm really appreciative (as will son be). Can't wait until he is old enough to do this all himself! Cheers.
  2. Hi, Please bear with me - I'm a mum who stopped "fast" learning ages ago but my just 8 yr old doesn't yet know enough about Mods etc. to be allowed to download on MY computer. We had the same error message after I installed some mods - I saw your answer above and have now updated to .804 from .789 but now what do I do? It isn't loading within the launcher - it is still the old version. I am sure there is a very simple solution but, really, my computer hey-day was Win 3.11 !! Please, please, be patient with me and tell me what I need to do next. Many thanks.
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