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Tree Puncher

Tree Puncher (2/8)



  1. Hello and sry 4 my silly questions again. I tried a normal drop as well but it dont works.. I'm familiar with the codes from 1.6... but 1.8 is different. v.v I tried to update the 1.6 code to 1.8: public class ItemLooting { public static double rand; public Random r = new Random(); public void onEntityDrop(LivingDropsEvent event) { if(event.entityLiving instanceof EntityCreeper) { event.entityLiving.dropItem(BasicEWM.fireCore, r.nextInt(2)); } } } And add this to my ModDatabase: MinecraftForge.EVENT_BUS.register(new ItemLooting());
  2. Thank You! It works!
  3. wtf but it don't work with your code Failender... I got an error..
  4. My Item don't have a effect with this delpi...
  5. Hm I think I don't understand... you mean I've change if(Player.getCurrentEquippedItem() !=null) to if(Player.getCurrentEquippedItem() == ModDatabase.myItem)
  6. Hello and sry for my silly questions. I want to add a effect on my Item if I hold it. But I everytime i get the effect if it just in the inventory... How can I fix it? (This is a Code I've used in 1.6 but I deleted some code in it to fix errors... this is maybe the problem..) public void onUpdate(ItemStack itemstack, World world, Entity entity, int i, boolean flag) { EntityPlayer Player = (EntityPlayer) entity; if(Player.getCurrentEquippedItem() !=null) { Player.addPotionEffect((new PotionEffect(Potion.fireResistance.getId(), 25, 0))); } else { Player.curePotionEffects(itemstack); } } I've changed this: if(Player.getCurrentEquippedItem() !=null && Player.getCurrentEquippedItem().itemID == this.itemID To this: if(Player.getCurrentEquippedItem() !=null) How can I replace .itemID?
  7. JimiIT92 that was to diesieben07 'cause his name is german so I know he can speak german
  8. diesieben07? Was ist falsch daran? Beziehungsweise was stört daran? Ich würde gerne wissen, wenn ich was tue, was ich da tue.
  9. jabelar that's not my problem. But I've fixed it. btw I use a translation file. Thx JimiIT92 I've an Idea. It works with: public void addInformation(ItemStack stack, EntityPlayer player, List list, boolean Adva){ stack.setStackDisplayName(EnumChatFormatting.GOLD + StatCollector.translateToLocal(this.getUnlocalizedName()+".name")); } }
  10. Yeah I know I tried it with toString(). But how can I define the Item Name? I mean the item_name for translations etc.
  11. Hello How can I define my Itemname? I don't mean the Name like "Item Name" The String Name "item_name" When i do this: public void addInformation(ItemStack stack, EntityPlayer player, List list, boolean Adva){ stack.setStackDisplayName(EnumChatFormatting.YELLOW + StatCollector.translateToLocal("item."+toString()+"."+"name")); } } I got this Ingame: http://abload.de/img/2015-08-11_15.52.50dpqa4.png[/img] How can I fix that? I want to define: item.item_name.name but I want this for more Items not just 4 one. Like: StatCollector.translateToLoca("item.item_name.name)
  12. Anyone knew a good Tutorial to learn to create a GUI Kennt jemand ein gutes Tutorial um eine GUI zu erstellen? wie z.B. hier?: Here is an example: And here the description from the GUI Und hier die Beschreibung der GUI: Please help me Bitte hilft mir thx LG Tsiumi
  13. yes i don't know how to make a new GUI and how i delete the old inventory GUI
  14. How did u mean that? I want to change the inventory to this GUI
  15. How can I edit the default inventory? Here is my GUI Here is an example: Who can help me? thx
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