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  1. Hi hydroflame, I was having the same problem as Channel_3, but setting up my files as you suggested fixed it. The only thing is I had to change the folder name and reference to lowercase. (And create all of the folders, of course.) Thanks! LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! no bro Obviously he doesnt have the same problem, because not only was that one of the first things I tried, I literally just tried it again to double check. And guess what? It didnt work. Again. I came here looking for help because I assumed this was a community of programmers that knew a lot more than me when it comes to forge, considering I'm like intermediate at best. Instead I'm being told over and over again to do what I've been doing this whole time. Seriously guys?
  2. Thanks!!! It's working now!!! Right now I dont care whether your guide works or not. I told you to leave now shoo
  3. oh ok, well then ill keep my useless guide and my solutions to myself. i mean its working for me and i have no real reason to share it with you if you "dont want my help" have a good day Bye
  4. you: "nothign works fix IT!!!" what screws up when you do that, what are the symptoms. the game crash ? eclipse doesnt boot? the moon turns red? you want to do it all by yourself? how come its working for literally everyone else except you. because you did a small mistake and didnt pay attention to something (idk what but something) I'm just asking for help. But not from you or your useless guides. So go away. I'm not ignoring anyone's advice I promise you. I followed his advice and it didnt work. Is there anyone on this forum who can actually help me? I've tried every possible solution
  5. I already tried that. I dont have an assets folder there either. It goes mcp/src/minecraft/modid/textures/items well then create it! One of the first things I said when I posted this was I tried making an assets folder and it mucked everything up, genius.
  6. That didnt work either. Still the same. Not only that but that new code is bunk, its full of errors
  7. I already tried that. I dont have an assets folder there either. It goes mcp/src/minecraft/modid/textures/items
  8. Everytime I've used forge I've had this problem. I dont have an assets folder. For some reason my setup goes forge\mcp\eclipse\Minecraft\bin\delicioussurvival\textures\items I've tried adding an assets folder and that mucks everything up. Then I tried renaming register icon location a bunch of times. Nothing. Still just the same pink and black square. Anyway heres the code; package delicioussurvival; import cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.Side; import cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.SideOnly; import net.minecraft.client.renderer.texture.IconRegister; import net.minecraft.creativetab.CreativeTabs; import net.minecraft.item.ItemFood; public class FoodLamb extends ItemFood { public FoodLamb(int id, int hunger, float saturation, boolean wolffood) { super(id, hunger, saturation, wolffood); } @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) public void registerIcon(IconRegister par1IconRegister) { this.itemIcon = par1IconRegister.registerIcon("delicioussurvival:lamb"); } } So what am I doing wrong?
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