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  1. Thank you very much for your assistance thus far, but could I please have an example of how to use events like this?
  2. Thank you for the response, but I do understand what forge does. My issue is that none of the tutorials explain very well how forge works. Let's say I want to increase the damage done by ender pearls to the thrower. I would go in to net.minecraft.src.EntityEnderPearl and change onImpact() so that it says for example this.getThrower().attackEntityFrom(DamageSource.fall, 10); instead of this.getThrower().attackEntityFrom(DamageSource.fall, 5); My overall question is not "how do I use forge to increase ender pearl damage?" it is "how do I translate a modding technique from base class modding procedure to forge modding procedure?"
  3. I am familiar with Java (as well as C++ and a bit of python) and I understand how to make a mod by modifying base classes. I understand how to work with MCP. However, Forge has me baffled. I need a tutorial or something that explains how Forge does things, by comparing to base class modding procedure. If anyone can help I'd appreciate it. Apologies in advance if I've broken any rules here, first post be gentle etcetera. Thanks.
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