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Everything posted by AlenEviLL

  1. Mew, I will, can you tell me where I can find some additional information on how to do that, coz I have no idea how to do that
  2. No, so I have to just copy that into my furnace file? OK I will try that now
  3. Hello guys! I was wondering how to apply furnace GUI to the block I have just created. I don't want to draw GUI again as it has to be pretty much the same as the normal furnace's GUI looks like. The only thing is that I want this furnace to be able to smelt only one type of ore, and that's it. Can anyone help with that please?
  4. hydroflame, omg thank you so much it worked!!! So I basically have to put all files in modid folder, not the mod folder itself. Thank you very much, I should have asked this question before, I stuck on this issue for two days
  5. hydriflame, but testmod is the name of developer and src is the name of the mod, I know I made it quite confusing
  6. Hello Modders! Im new to forge, just recently made my huge plans for next mods, but I got stuck on such simple thing..., adding textures, I get error in Forge console, it says texture file couldn't be found and therefore it uses just a weird checkers texture..., please don't think that there is mistake in my code, I double and triple checked it, but I here it is anyways: I have a java package called assets.testmod.src and I have two files there, TestMod.java, which is basically the main class, and ModInfo.java - where all the @Mod data is. I also have another package inside this package called assets.testmod.src.block, where I was adding my blocks. I have one file called TestBlock.java there. So, TestMod.java: TestBlock.java: To be more precise I put my block texture file in /forge/mcp/src/minecraft/assets/testmod/src/textures/blocks, the file called testBlock.png. Hopefully I will solve this problem, I literally have tried everything, googled everywhere, but nothing worked for me... By the way I am using Eclipse, got JDK installed, Java 7 installed (obviously), system is MacOS X 10.8.4 Thanks for your help! Yours faithfully, AlenEviLL.
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