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Posts posted by SgtChuckle

  1. Ah, my bad, I remember hearing somewhere that while you didn't need ML now that FML exists, you would be OK if you had both installed. So FML fills all ML functionality and can function as ML even for mods that aren't Forge?

    Also, Mystcraft doesn't modify Modloader.class. However, I only have 0.8.6 so in 0.9 it might.

    Thanks for the help.

  2. Hey,

    So I just went through and did a big update of Forge to 3.3.8 and all of my Forge mods too. I installed ML (Risu), Forge, CCC, NEI, and Mystcraft into my jar, and a huge host of stuff into my mods folder (see in my FML.log if you want the list of them all). I crashed, but then I tried loading the game up without my mods folder mods to see if it was some sort of ID issue or what. The game worked and loaded fine. Then I tried it with the mods folder mods again. It crashed. This time, I got the FML.log. It appears that the crash has something to do with (or was caused by) FML, but I've never seen a crash like that before. Could I get some help?

    EDIT: Just thought a little bit, and remembered that I have both EE and Forestry installed, but I haven't deleted the Forestry API folder from EE yet. That may be the source of the problem.


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