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    A N00B Of Modding

ecbercnl's Achievements

Tree Puncher

Tree Puncher (2/8)



  1. sorry, i forgot that i had a block instance already. Now, it works perfectly!
  2. I am trying it now. But it gives me another error Non-static method 'getPickBlock(net.minecraft.util.MovingObjectPosition, net.minecraft.world.World, net.minecraft.util.BlockPos)' cannot be referenced from a static context
  3. How can i properly get the localized block name? I used StatCollector.translateToLocal() but it didn't work (shows up as tile.stone. used substring but some blocks have weird names (oreIron instead of Iron Ore). And also, it isn't localized). Now, i'm trying to use getLocalizedName(). It works, with an exception of stone. Here is a gfy of what i am talking about: http://gfycat.com/MarriedIndelibleJanenschia And here is my code. https://github.com/Admicos/mcguimod/blob/master/java/cf/admicos/guimod/gui/InGameCustomGuiOverlay.java#L64
  4. "Helpful stuff like FPS, Coordinates etc. Will be avaliable to you without a keypress!" Please note that this is my first-ish PUBLICLY AVAILABLE mod. I am not experienced with modding (nor English. I probably have some typos.) This mod is a Basic ingame gui. It shows FPS (colored!), Player position, current biome, position of the current block you're looking and the block you're looking. You can configure it to disable some elements, enable dark text (or remove color from fps. For some random reason) Screenshot: You can download this mod here or check out the source code here!
  5. uh! Maybe i am say Thanks in wrong comment Thanks!
  6. Please give the correct code? Because im Understanding English very bad.
  7. You are not. Block ids are a byte + a nibble which is 4096 distinct values => 4095 is the max. id one can use. @ecbercnl: Your last error says you are trying to use an ItemId of 300456. ItemIds can be 32000 max. but im using 3000,3001 ... not 300000 EDIT: (well i dont see the id Really) but not solved Log 2:
  8. I am changed ids Again and i added functions in one class And error is not solved Heres My Code - http://gw.minecraftforge.net/V6Qi Heres My Func.java (GameRegister.blockRegister is here and i using function ) -http://gw.minecraftforge.net/hdSw Heres Block java - http://gw.minecraftforge.net/lN3x Heres error:
  9. I Changed ids but have a error again...
  10. (Sorry for bad English!) Hello! This is my first post... But i have an error in my mod. Here the codes and log from Eclipse! The Code: Main Class - http://gw.minecraftforge.net/Jw8u Block Class - http://gw.minecraftforge.net/Np3U The Error: (the eccore is only for server support)
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