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Forge Modder
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    New Jersey
  • Personal Text
    Anime is Love, Anime is Life

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Tree Puncher

Tree Puncher (2/8)



  1. Ok, i've been away from modding for over a year and I've decided to come back to it. This is an error that I could never quite figure out. On any mod I make that involves drawing an HUD, I get this error It just keeps on going. This error seems to be completley harmless and hasn't caused any problems in the mod, but it makes it impossible for me to print things to the console because this error keeps spamming. My code for my mod's GuiInGame: Any help would be greatly appreciated!
  2. My mod creates a highly configurable HUD from the anime Sword Art Online, and im working on replacing the hotbar. I have sucesfully created a vertical hotbar at the top right corner of the screen, and disabled the old one by canceling the ElementType.HOTBAR event using setCanceled(true). But i still cant seem to get rid of the fading text that appears above the hotbar whenever you switch items. Is there a way to disable this? Thanks in advance -LazerMan47
  3. I tried but i dont really know where to set it up, do i have to make a new class for it or should i put it in my clientproxy
  4. Is there any way to edit or add to the player model? I managed to make changes to the HUD using the RenderGameOverlayEvent with EventHandler, is it the same way for 3D models? Do i have to register an event handler to change the render process or do i have to register a completley new renderer?
  5. well, this is a problem ive been avoiding from the start of this mod, but it became alot more popular than i thought (10K+ downloads ). I now want to implement a health bar for other players rendered next to them, preferably curved. I would also like to render a gem like icon above the players head, preferably 3D and spinning. I have some rendering experience and know how to make custom models with techne, but i have no idea how to do this. Any help would be appreciated. Health Bar From Anime:
  6. I just tried running 2 instances of minecraft and a server to test multiplayer and found out that my projectiles don't render for the player who isnt firing them. (Ex. - I Fired A Shot From The Railgun at Another guy, and it renders for me, but not for him) I suspect that this is being caused by the entity to exist server side, but not client side, for the player who didnt spawn the entity, because the entity still does damage Item Class: Entity Class: Entity Render Class:
  7. I have removed them from my item class, and switched their references to tagCompounds. It still doesnt seem to be working though My New Item Code:
  8. It seems to be letting me add and call tags, but it wont let me change ones i already created, is this possible? My New Item Class:
  9. I have never used addWeatherEffect, but I have spawned lightining using a different line. instead try: EntityLightningBolt lightning = new EntityLightningBolt(world, x, y+1, z); world.spawnEntityInWorld(lightning); As for the explosions: world.createExplosion(lightning, lightning.posX, lightning.posY, lightning.posZ, <Explosion Strength, Go With A # Around 4>, false);
  10. There are alot of changes, and I had a hard time updating my mod. Use these tutorials by wuppy29, I found them very helpful Link: http://www.wuppy29.com/minecraft/modding-tutorials/forge-modding-1-7/#sthash.3QJiGDp1.dpbs
  11. If you use Forge 1.7.2, they have gotten rid of the @NetworkMod annotation, it is no longer needed. Consider Updating. As for 1.6.4 & @NetworkMod, i didn't create GUIs until 1.7.2 so i have never used it
  12. Im not familliar with NBTTagCompound, can u point me to a good tutorial?
  13. I have a weapon in my mod that can switch modes, and it works fine in singleplayer. But when I switch over to multiplayer, it says i switched modes, but the effect is always that of the first mode My Item Class Plz help -LazerMan47
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