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Everything posted by Nosirrom

  1. Is it EntityPlayerMP that I need to be using then to avoid the crashes?
  2. What part of it isn't working? Is the mob not spawning? Is it just the light which isn't appearing?
  3. https://gist.github.com/anonymous/974e905d5d47b782b4b9 I have an EntityPlayer called friend. When I call friend.getFoodStats().getFoodLevel() the result is always 20. friend.getFoodStats().needFood() always returns false. This happens whether the player has a full hunger bar and an empty hunger bar. Calling friend.getHealth() does work. I just want to be able to find out the hunger of a player. edit: forge version 1.7.2- edit: Thank you for pointing me in the right direction.
  4. Solved. I was running the server and the forgeinstaller using Nautilus which for some reason runs everything from the home directory. Using the command line (java -jar minecraftjorge-installer-1.6.4- --installServer) to install the server and then launching it will have everything run in the proper directory.
  5. I install a forge server 1.6.4 in /home/minecraft/forgeserver/ (for example.) However when I run the forgeserver it creates all the files (mods folder, server.properties, config folder) in my home directory. If I move these files to /home/minecraft/forgeserver/ and run the server it ignores the moved files and creates new ones in my home folder again. I don't know why it searches for server files in my home directory but I want it to search for these files in the directory that the server is in. I believe this is a forge bug but if it is not then please send me in the right direction. Here is my forge log. http://pastebin.com/v9XVnD91 Because I know you guys like seeing these.
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