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Everything posted by MrFrostmaul

  1. Hello, my Minecraft instance is crashing when I hit launch and displays this in the minecraft launcher console log. http://pastebin.com/s4M6drYg No idea how to fix and tried removing mods etc. Any help be much appreciated. thanks
  2. Hello, We have tried almost everything we can think of, running on Linux with Java 8 latest and tried re-installing etc. The server is crashing on startup, with no crash report, just this from console. http://pastebin.com/cnJsHBfU Thanks.
  3. Here is the crash part from the server log: http://pastebin.com/uEB2Ux02 It don't say what mod and is really confusing report.
  4. Hello, I am trying to setup a 1.6.2 server, when i Start up i get this server crash report.. http://pastebin.com/ejAycQpv I don't know what mod is missing, but it works fine on the client side. I believe I am using only server side mods as I removed client only mods which I know such as Rei's Minimap. Mod List for server: http://prntscr.com/1u85r6
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