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  1. Hello, I was wondering if anyone possibly knows how to make a command that works on a server without said command being on the server. EX. a player types /open config or .open config and notepad pops up allowing then to edit a config file. I was wondering if there was a way to do this. And i want to do this without having to install anything on the server. this is strictly client side
  2. thanks, i got it
  3. BlockFishingNet TileEntityFishingNet
  4. updateEntity() seems to only be giving me the remote world as well
  5. Hello, I'm making a fishing net mod and have no idea what method to use for the block to deposit stuff in a nearby chest. I was using randomDisplayTick() but that was only called server side and I need it to be called both server and client side. I was looking at onUpdateTick() but that has to be set before hand and it's only called once. any ideas?
  6. Oh there is nothing wrong with addInformation() unless you want to add information to a vanilla item, cause then you'll have to edit base classes
  7. Hello, to whom it may concern: I want to say I have googled the shit out of it and got noting so if it exists, sorry. if you could add an information hook that would be SOOOO helpful, i actually made myself a little API so if you want to use snippets of it go right ahead Interface: IInformationAPI Class InformationAPI GuiContainer(Base file) GuiContainer (Line of code that needs adding at line 135)
  8. Oh... you guys should really update the link in the releases section cause i downloaded that one, i guess thats the older version
  9. Hello, A mod I made black screens when I load up, I actually know what the problem is, ModLoader has a method called addCommand() forge does not, if you could please add the method that would be WONDERFUL thanks Mod Name: Adventure Mod Link to mod: Here
  10. UGH! why'd you have to say that!!!!..... I'm so going to fail math 1500... I just know it.... And well i don't really have any source code right now because i just made it spin in a circle.... but i'll explain the thaought process Okay, so in the entityturret class there is 2 variables, faceX and faceY, then in the renderturret class it takes those variables and sends them to the modelturret class to a method call "swivel" that's all i got right now
  11. Hello, The title says it all but if you need more information please ask and me VERY specific of what you want to see because i never know people want when they just say, let me see your source code, you have to tell me what part of the source you want to see
  12. double x= (target.boundingBox.minX + (target.boundingBox.maxX - target.boundingBox.minX) / 2D) - posX; double y = (target.boundingBox.minY + (target.boundingBox.maxY - target.boundingBox.minY) / 2D) - posY; double z = (target.boundingBox.minZ + (target.boundingBox.maxZ - target.boundingBox.minZ) / 2D) - posZ; setThrowableHeading(d, d1, d2, 1F, 0.0F); i figured it out uses notch's code, was very frustrating
  13. Hello, I am making a mod that has a homing missile and im having trouble with the code, if someone could help me that would be GREAT. thanks in advance
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