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    Trying to mess with moding

traxys's Achievements

Tree Puncher

Tree Puncher (2/8)



  1. Thanks I just wanted to be sure
  2. Hello, I have a version of TileEnity for my mod , lets say MyTileEntity , then I I use the world.getTileEnity() method , making sure that the TileEnity is a MyTileEntity ; the method still returns a TIleEntity , but can I do this : public MyTileEntity = (MyTileEnity) world.getTileEntity(x,y,z) ?
  3. I had thank a bit of instanceof but was not quite sure it was the way to go then forgot about it.... BUT I have a small (big) problem I think is due to my java setup : instanceof is not recognized (Unexpected token) , and I tried to find a answer and google , I found none , so anyone has got a clue , or should I go and ask on a java/programming thing (like stackoverflow) ?
  4. Hello, I have a base class for TileEnties , and I would like to know if there is a simple and quick way to check if a TileEntity at the given x y z coordinates in a world extends that base class (else I thik I will make a list of all the Blocks class of the TileEnities which extends my base class and check if this is similar to the tileEnt.blockType). If anyone has an idea , or thinks the one I have is the way to go , please answer me, Thank you.
  5. Did not think too look a .get().Methods Thanks
  6. Hello, I have a configuration file from wich I can read my entries , and set new ones , but how can I modifiy entires , because I only found the config.get[params] to edit , but it just creates a new one , or changes the default state , so again my question is how can you edit a property in configs from your mod ? THanks to anyone having an answer to this simple question
  7. Yes but there is the jar file present , I saw it so I checked , and in the start I tough have read that It could not me opened , so is I assume it's a bug with the jarfile , going to check that on the MCF statues thread EDIT: Found another download of asielib but where it's strange is that the first verion works for Singleplayer but not for SMP (but nevermind reporting it the version used in the modpack was outdated)
  8. My lovely server provider who gives outdated forge versions <3 Thanks
  9. Here are a few lines of the FMLoader-server-0.log : So does anyone knows what mods are missing ?
  10. traxys

    Mob drop

    Thanks to evryone !
  11. traxys

    Mob drop

    I want to add mob drops (but an item from my mod) , but not for mobs that I made , I want to add them for vanilla mobs but I can't figure out how to do it, So if someone knows how to do or has a tip , could he help me please ? thanks yo anyone doing it
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