I am trying to detect when a custom armour piece is in the inventory, and while it is detecting the armour as it is undamaged, when it gets damaged the item is not being recognized. Currently I am doing this to detect the armour.
Can anyone either tell me how or direct me to a tutorial on how to install API's (I mean the api jar and the dev jar) in forge 1.7.10? I cannot seem to find an updated tutorial for 1.7, and I would greatly appreciate any and all help.
Sorry to be a bother, but I am still having issues. The problem is, I cannot summon lightning unless it is raining (I checked the code). Is there a way to override this?
I basically have an item, that when right clicked summonses a lightning bolt entity. I have been trying a variety of methods but none seem to work. The latest method I used was this:
http://pastebin.com/bP4iY1j7 (Used a link as spoilers wouldn't work)
What am I doing wrong? Is it the method, a parameter, or am I just messing up?
I am sorry to appear as a bother, but I am still lost as how to do it. I have copied the methods and added the @Override Annotation, but I am lost as how to make it input into the stack. The code is here https://github.com/kenny2810/Death-Zombie-Mod- . Sorry if I appear noobish, but I am very new at working with entities.
To clarify a bit more, I am asking id there is a specific method/s which I can call to do this or weather or not I have to re-create all the methods myself.
After adding my entity, and adding the itemstack I cannot figure out how to make it so when he passes over an item entity it gets picked up into the itemstack. Can anyone please help me out? Any help is appreciated.
Firstly I've been studying java for 3 years+ now so I am rather vell versed in how it works. I have released a mod as well, however I have never created entities in Minecraft before; hence why I seem so confused as to how such things work.
Yeah the player will have no interaction, the only "form" of such a thing will be when the entity dies; It will drop the contents of said Item stack. But will the item stack make the entity auto equip armour?