Hi can someone help me with this crash Im having http://pastebin.com/7ufeYLxn
this is the gui class https://github.com/MasterAbdoTGM50/Abysswalker/blob/master/src/main/java/matgm50/abysswalker/network/client/gui/GuiScroll.java
and the item's https://github.com/MasterAbdoTGM50/Abysswalker/blob/master/src/main/java/matgm50/abysswalker/item/ItemScroll.java
Hi, first of all thanks for reading
Secondly I would appreciate it if someone tells me how to use ISpecialArmor for it is very confusing to me and the description is not that well for a noob like me.
That does seem to be the point because I tried assigning the icon of a vanilla item and it worked.I'll edit the code a bit and see.
Thank you a lot my good sir.
Update: The problem was in my Init code as in the TWItems.Enit I intialized the item with Item before making it anew Item that is inaccesable by other classes which kinda makes sense why the twsigilshard was null.
First , here's the source code : https://github.com/MasterAbdoTGM50/ThaumicWarden
and I forgot to mention that the tab auto assigns its icon to the smoothstone icon not the no textures icon and that really confuses me and I also tried all the icon assigning methods and all of the crash the game.
Hi , I'm working on a mod and when I created the creative tab once I enter the second page the game crashes and gives me this log.
and oddly enough when I remove the code to assign an icon to the tab it does not crash.
Can someone help me?