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    Hello there

MasterAbdoTGM50's Achievements

Tree Puncher

Tree Puncher (2/8)



  1. Thank you alot guys it now works.
  2. Hi can someone help me with this crash Im having http://pastebin.com/7ufeYLxn this is the gui class https://github.com/MasterAbdoTGM50/Abysswalker/blob/master/src/main/java/matgm50/abysswalker/network/client/gui/GuiScroll.java and the item's https://github.com/MasterAbdoTGM50/Abysswalker/blob/master/src/main/java/matgm50/abysswalker/item/ItemScroll.java
  3. Hi, first of all thanks for reading Secondly I would appreciate it if someone tells me how to use ISpecialArmor for it is very confusing to me and the description is not that well for a noob like me.
  4. Tried it but, very confusing for a beginner like me but my most thanks to you sir.
  5. Works but not quite as it even negates the armor from reducing damage but thanks non the less
  6. Hi, I would like to ask a question about armor and that is can I make it unbreakable(does not take durability damage)?
  7. That does seem to be the point because I tried assigning the icon of a vanilla item and it worked.I'll edit the code a bit and see. Thank you a lot my good sir. Update: The problem was in my Init code as in the TWItems.Enit I intialized the item with Item before making it anew Item that is inaccesable by other classes which kinda makes sense why the twsigilshard was null.
  8. First , here's the source code : https://github.com/MasterAbdoTGM50/ThaumicWarden and I forgot to mention that the tab auto assigns its icon to the smoothstone icon not the no textures icon and that really confuses me and I also tried all the icon assigning methods and all of the crash the game.
  9. Hi , I'm working on a mod and when I created the creative tab once I enter the second page the game crashes and gives me this log. http://pastebin.com/C1N2J7rc and oddly enough when I remove the code to assign an icon to the tab it does not crash. Can someone help me?
  10. Well, thank you for replying.
  11. Can someone tell me if there is a way to make forge decide the ids of my blocks and items so, that it won't cause id conflicts with other mods.
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