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Tree Puncher

Tree Puncher (2/8)



  1. hi to be more specific i want a helmet to light up the surrounding area like a torch when it is equipped but i cant find any onEquip functions. was looking for an event method also but couldnt find anything. any help is appreciated thanks
  2. omg im so simple.... thanks guys lol
  3. unfortunately it wasn't that simple. Block is returning an instance of a block so unless block.log returns a block (which it doesnt) this wouldn't work. Thats my understanding anyway. thanks for the help though
  4. hi guys, sorry if this is a stupid question. I did a little bit of modding ages ago when you simply searched for the block ids. ive started up again now and cant work out how to compare 2 blocks. to be more exact:- I have made an item and trying to implement the method onBlockDestroyed(). now this method gives me an ItemStack, World, Block, Block pos and EntityLivingBase. All I want to do is compare the destroyed block to see if its a tree log. but cant find anyway to compare the 2. I tried to compare block.getUnlocalizedName() with the unlocalized name of a log which I found to be "log". this didnt work. any help would be great. thanks
  5. thanks for the reply but i figured it out. in case some else is as silly as me. on the method onBlockDestroyed par 3 is id, par 4 , 5 and 6 are the coords
  6. I destroy a block with the item and the block above doesn't get destroyed. I don't get any errors.
  7. so I use world.destroyBlock(x,y +1, z, true) ?? is that what you mean? I have already tried this and it doesn't work
  8. hi im try to get an specifically an axe, to make multiple blocks when it destroys a block. im currently using the following code. the item extends axe. @Override public boolean onBlockDestroyed(ItemStack ItemStack, World world, int x, int y, int z, int par6, EntityLivingBase par7EntityLivingBase) { if(!world.isRemote){ FMLClientHandler.instance().getServer().worldServerForDimension(0).destroyBlock(x, y + 1, z, true); } return false; } so in this im trying to destroy the block above the block that was destroyed. i was originally trying to just use world.destroyBlock(x, y +1, z , true) but from looking around I found people talking about using the fmlclienthandler. any help please
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