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  1. Hi guys. Is it possible to specify forge path to folder with mods? Now forge is looking mods in folder "mods", which is located in -gameDir (which we specify as a parameter when running minecraft)?
  2. Ideally: try to make a web server that fully emulates servers majong (http://wiki.vg/Authentication) and change requests in the client and the server on my server. Minimum: I need to at any time I could get the accessToken(gives launcher) and the player's name.
  3. Hi, guys. Tell me where I can find the MСP 1.7.2 unchanged. It is used in the forge, but it changed the code responsible for authorization on servers mojang. I would try to make my system authorization on the basis of this. Thank you! P.S.Sorry for my english)
  4. Ah. My English is very bad. Start simple. I need to make a simple mod for private territories. What tools are there for this in forge?
  5. Hi, guys. I want to implement an advanced system control areas. For example, there is a large area, which contains several small ones. If I'm the "owner" of a large area, I can edit a little, which are included in it. If I'm the "owner" of a small area, i can only edit it, but not much. Of course, I want to it works as quickly as possible. Possible to implement this using the forge? And if so, tell me what can help me. Thank you!
  6. It is better to use DataWatcher?
  7. Okey. I register onEntityConstruct like this: public void onEntityConstruct(EntityConstructing event) { if (event.entity instanceof EntityPlayer) { ClientInformation properties = new ClientInformation(); properties.setMoney(100); event.entity.registerExtendedProperties(ClientInformation.IDENTIFICATION, properties); } } I update somewhere ExtendedProperties like this: ((ClientInformation)player.getExtendedProperties(ClientInformation.IDENTIFICATION)).setMoney(200); However, the value of which I render does not change: @ForgeSubscribe(priority = EventPriority.NORMAL) public void onRenderHUD(RenderGameOverlayEvent event) { if (event.isCancelable() || event.type != ElementType.EXPERIENCE) { return; } GL11.glColor4f(1.0F, 1.0F, 1.0F, 1.0F); GL11.glDisable(GL11.GL_LIGHTING); ClientInformation clientInfo = ClientInformation.getInformation(this.mc.thePlayer); String money = "$" + ((ClientInformation)(this.mc.thePlayer).getExtendedProperties(ClientInformation.IDENTIFICATION)).getMoney(); //some code... } P.S. For some reason i can't to use the formatting tools =(
  8. You didn't understand me. I understand how to get the value. I cann't understand how to update this value, because #registerExtendedProperties only works when calling the entity's constructor, and #getExtendedProperties only get the new instance. P.S. If you write code example, I would be very grateful)
  9. Hello again. I have a new question. How to change the ExtendedProperties anywhere in code?
  10. Hello, guys. Probably my question is very stupid, but I would to understand this. In the Internet there are many ready and custom solutions, but I want to make my launcher from scratch to fully understand how it works. To do this, I need to decompile the official launcher and edit it? Or should i use something else?
  11. Repeat once more. If I load the data from database when the player connects, and write them a change, I can leave empty read and loadNBT functions?
  12. Make access to the data as quickly as possible. To do this, should I use ExtendedProperties? Aaaa, I'm confused
  13. Most likely, I'm just confused. I have a simple task: The player is playing on my server can earn coins that are tied to their account in my site. When player connects to the server, I need to install their number. But each time send request to database as their number is render for a long time.
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