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Forge Modder
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Everything posted by Torojima

  1. and done as well, works like a charm, thanks
  2. you're absolutely correct. I have missed that one
  3. fixed it ... obviously some of the recipes did need an "data":0 for the item in the result entry ... I could imagine that's something to do with the dynamic texture change I've done (which is not yet working btw, because I don't know yet how to register the ItemMeshDefinition in the new event handler version Anyway, the mod is now working basically thank you guys for your help
  4. that's still all I got from the log. Same when I start with Eclipse (tho, the json recipe file causing the error is a different one). I wonder what "missing data for item" does mean ... is the issue with the item, or has the recipe itself a problem?
  5. names issue solved ... en_US.lang => en_us.lang etc ... ... really forge? forced lower case? that's necessary? recipes still not working ...
  6. as I had presumed, there is no difference with a completely from scratch new created project (deleted the old one, unziped forge stuff and run gradlew setupDecompWorkspace with subsequent gradlew eclipse. Copied in my source and opened new eclipse project.) Still no names, still no working recipes The items are working, so I think they are correctly registered, aren't they? Also the correctly present icons indicate the resource location identifier are correct ... am I right?
  7. Models are registered in ModelRegistryEvent. The icons are back Item instances now created in field initialisers. The item mechanic is working (the items in creative spawned do what they should do), but still no correct localised names and no recipes... I've updated the git repository. I'll now delete the IDE project and create new, but I doubt that's the issue in my case, since when I open the jar file I can see the correct assets in place.
  8. @Choonster it's not just a missing ModelRegistryEvent handler either. (still I've added it as well, the log printout I've added in the event handler is not printed in the log, so I presume the event is not fired ... and I'm looking for the wrong event... ). Still I presume something very basic is wrong, because the items are shown with the item.some_descriptor.name string and the pink/black default icon in the game instead of the names from the lang files or the correct icons. Maybe you can tell me what I've missed
  9. run the gradlew wrapper and added gradlew, gradlew.bat and the gradle directory to my repo
  10. jep, that's how I setup my forge environment. With the ./gradlew eclipse path. New project with the forge folder in Eclipse and I can run the test from Eclipse. As soon as I have added the resource location registering via event I'll update again my git repo. (the repo is already updated for usage with forge-1.12- tho)
  11. ohm ... I might not have registered the resource location with the new event handler thingies will try that and come back
  12. can do of course, but are you sure? That's not made by me, wouldn't feel right to 'just' add it to my repo.
  13. latest forge version. the items still working as expected in creative mode, but now not only the recipes are not working, the icons are gone as well as the translated names. I have the impression nothing from the assets folder can be found?! But they are present in the jar file at the same location as before. Also at the same location as other mods working in 1.12. What's wrong? I'm very confused... Updated my git repo with version for forge-1.12-
  14. thanks for the info. I'll update to the latest forge and see to the GameRegistry issue. I'll update this thread as soon as I'm done
  15. Sorry, yes there is, I've forgotten to add to the post below is the log entry. It says "Missing data" for my item. (The item including the icon works well in creative, so I would say it's not the naming of the item itself). Log: the recipe json for the item looks like this: ore names I've copied from net.minecraftforge.oredict.OreDictionary, while names for minecraft items (in the other recipes) I've copied from net.minecraft.init.items. json recipe with minecraft item: thanks for the help
  16. Hi all, I'm trying to update my mod to 1.12. Thus getting the recipes into json files. Source is stored here: https://github.com/ArnoSaxena/buildhelper/tree/master/src/main The json files are reported as correct json by https://jsonformatter.curiousconcept.com/ The items are working as expected, in creative mode. But the recipes are not registered. I can not create them on a workbench. Obviously I don't understand the recipe registering completely and have forgotten something Could somebody be so kind, have a look and tell me what's wrong? Thanks
  17. Hi everybody so, I have a random block in the world and found out it is a spawner block. is there a way to find out what entity this block will spawn? TileEntityMobSpawner and MobSpawnerBaseLogic are horribly secretive (private) about those informations... Is there a way I'm just not thinking off?
  18. ok, that's what I had suspected but I had the hope I could control gradle in such a way to take care of multiple mods at the same time. Then back to copying the forge folder. Thanks for the info
  19. I'm using eclipse and the gradle setup for mod programming. I would like to start to work on different mods. Is there an easy way to have multiple mods in the working and as eclipse projects, other than copying the forge folders and starting different mods in different forge copies?
  20. many thanks, that was exactly the pointer I needed I had still been thinking in blocks or blocktypes as the main identifier for blocks. But now I've understood the blockstate is the main thing and blocktype is only a part of the block state. Now my mod is working as expected even with different flowers, wood and stone types ect...
  21. I want to create a block equal to another block already existing at BlockPos changePos currently I'm creating a new block, but only with the default IBlockState IBlockState newBlockState = usedBlock.getBlockState().getBaseState(); worldIn.setBlockState(changePos, newBlockState, 3); (usedBlock is of type Block, worldIn of type World) Now my idea for the time being is to check for certain block types (stone, flowers, wool etc) the known block states and set them into the new IBlockState. That's a bit crude, but currently the only idea I have to solve this issue. So I'm planing to ask if the new Block is of type BlockStone. If so, I'll ask for the VARIANT and set it in the new IBlockState with the withProperty method. But I'm running into a basic understanding problem ... I can't manage to wrap my head around how to ask for the VARIANT property of a existing block, starting with a BlockPos. Can anybody point me into the right direction? https://github.com/ArnoSaxena/buildhelper if anybody is interested in the code
  22. very strange effect. It is working in survival perfectly. While in creative the mode the model change will not work!? Does anybody have any idea how this can happen?
  23. Eureka!!! now it's working
  24. here my client proxy class with the registry methods. registerModels will be called in preInit, while registerModelVariants I'm calling in init phase. and here the mesh definition class and fml-client-latest.log: The strange thing is, while in eclipse debugging, the model doesn't change. If I build the mod and add it to my regular minecraft game, the models will change, but the new models are the pink/black ones ... I have registered the following models with separated json and png files: exchangewand exchangewand_c1 exchangewand_c2 exchangewand_c3 or do I need one json with every variation?
  25. btw, as requested, the console log:
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