"Chronicles of a Nobody"
Hello! My friends and I will working on a Minecraft series, much like a T.V show. Each episode being around 20 minutes. (This could change in the future.) We have tried this almost a year ago but we really didn't know what we were doing and didn't have great actors. We will be using the same base for the story but go more in-depth with the story and make it more entertaining to the audience. Hopefully this time we will make an improvement to what we have started, but in order to do that we need more people. I have written what kind of people we need and the criteria you must match in order to audition. If you feel that you meet criteria then you will want to post a comment using this template. Also, even though I am calling them jobs, you will not actually get paid, that is unless we get enough traffic and earn enough money to pay you.
Name: (What you would want us to call you)
Job(s): (What job or jobs you believe you meet the criteria and would like to apply for)
Contact: (A way I can reply back to you and we can have a meeting. ex: Email, Skype, etc.)
Reason: (Why you deserve to be chosen)
About the Show
As I said before, we are using the same story as last time but be more in-depth. The show is suppose to be a mixture between serious and bits of comedy here and there. The plot of the show is that the main character, Charlie lives in a small village and is framed for murder. That is the basic plot but we hope to add a lot more and we need your help in order to do so.
Builder • Microphone (Doesn't have to be amazing. As long as we can understand you clearly) • Ability to show off your skills (You will go into a private server and have 30 minutes to create something unique and good)
Camera Person • Microphone (Doesn't have to be amazing. As long as we can understand you clearly) • Good PC (Doesn't have to be an extremely expensive computer. It needs to be able to run Minecraft with a shader mod like Sonic Ether's at a minimum of 30 FPS) • Game Recorder (Ex: Fraps or Dxtory. The video's resolution must be at a minimum of 1280x720)
Writer • Microphone (Doesn't have to be amazing. As long as we can understand you clearly) • Experience (You show us some of your previous work. Example: a short story)
Actor / Voice Actor • Good Microphone (A microphone that allows us to hear you clearly. little to no background noise). • Decent PC (As long as it runs Minecraft a good FPS). • Decent Internet (We don't want you lagging around).
Skin Editor • Microphone (Doesn't have to be amazing. As long as we can understand you clearly) • Experience (You show us some of your previous work. Example: A skin you created)
There may be more jobs added in the future!
• Email:
[email protected]
• Comment on this post