Hey everyone, well, this is my first time modding (also my first post on the forum). I've seen some tutorials, but somehow i cant get my GUI to Open, it causes no error on the console. Also, i've checked various similar problems in the forums, but none of them help me.
Instance in my main class
Registering Tile Entity
initializing it in my main class
Gui Class
GuiHandler Class
onBlockActivated function in my Block's class
writeToNBT function in my Tile Entity Class
readFromNBT funcion in my Tile Entity Class
Sorry for my english, it's not my native language.
Also sorry if you see some of my random non-english anotations, i dont know if i manage to delete it all.
I dont know if i am missing something important here, or if you need more info to tell what am i doing wrong.
My minecraft version is 1.6.4 and my forge version is