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Everything posted by Pandassaurus

  1. Thanks, anyway, are there any other ideas for my problem? thanks, -Pandassaurus
  2. Hi, no i'm also using idea in a mac. arguably the best. Anyway, there might be one thing you didn't do. This came up when i was setting up too. When you did the setupDecompWorkspace, did you remember to put idea at the end? it would look like this: gradle setupDecompWorkspace idea that's how i did it, and it worked for me: if you didn't do that, and you get it working, go into the example class, and rename everything using shift+fn+f6. that way, it's all where it's supposed to be. -Pandassaurus
  3. Hi, no, try adding three more folders to look like this: src/main/java/com/yourname/modname that's the way i do it, but you could replace yourname or modname for anything. if you already have the example class, just rename that and all the files before to make it easier and start coding in there. -Pandassaurus
  4. Also, does anyone know a better alternative to techne? thanks, -Pandassaurus
  5. Hi, I dont think that's it. Ive been using square textures for all of my techne creations with no problem. Also, the texture sizes are defined here: textureWidth = 64; textureHeight = 64; so ya, i don't think thats it. Thanks, -Pandassaurus
  6. Hi this is armor, and i haven't been using render classes. i just add all of them as childs of the head: this.bipedHead.addChild(maskrim); and render them public void render(Entity entity, float f, float f1, float f2, float f3, float f4, float f5) { super.render(entity, f, f1, f2, f3, f4, f5); setRotationAngles(f, f1, f2, f3, f4, f5, entity); } in the model class. thanks for the help, -Pandassaurus
  7. Hi, My texture is not working for techne. When i draw on a certain spot, it adds a texture somewhere where it's not supposed to be. I know it's a lot to go through, but i would really appreciate it if you did. Model Class: The rightbig and leftbig are the textures circled below: https://31.media.tumblr.com/370d0dcb1279b7ffcc2314855a30d60a/tumblr_n4zlc1PGBF1sejvuqo3_250.png[/img] And are showing up like so whenever i give the boxes (left and right of mouth) texture: https://24.media.tumblr.com/dca7151793656e6a4604b94fcf43ee15/tumblr_n4zlc1PGBF1sejvuqo1_500.png[/img] and it's also happening for other textures,too: https://24.media.tumblr.com/c055a85691023b5a9221c02d2960fe9d/tumblr_n4zlc1PGBF1sejvuqo2_250.png[/img] I'm not sure why that's happening, and i would appreciate it if you help me thanks, -Pandassaurus
  8. Hi, Theres only one problem. If I only use RenderGameOverlayEvent and not LivingEvent.LivingUpdateEvent, how would I check to see if the potion is active? I tried doing both only to get a crash. Do I have each separate class and call the function in the first Hook? this is what i have: thanks, -Pandassaurus
  9. Hi, I don't really know what the RenderGameOverlayEvent is. What I have right now is a hook, but I'm not sure what to do with it. I learned to write it there, but i'm not sure what I would put there for the effect on the screen to show up, Thanks for the help, -Pandassaurus
  10. Hi, So I recently followed a tutorial on how to make custom potion effects, and I did so, but I couldn't figure out how to do anything with it (for my needs). I'm not only looking for something that makes you jump higher or makes you invisible. I'm looking for some way to add things on the screen, such as in this mod: Any help is appreciated. thanks! -Pandassaurus
  11. Hi, Thanks! That seemed to work. For anyone who wanted to see how I did it: thanks a lot for the help! -Pandassaurus
  12. Hi, Sorry to be such a noob, but how would you do that? thanks, -Pandassaurus
  13. Hi, Sorry I was gone recently so i couldn't respond, but I ended up using the onEntityItemUpdate() method. It worked perfectly for my needs. Just have one question. Is there a way to make it spawn multiple particles at different times and places over a short period of time?(kind of like a cloud of smoke or even a constant flow of particles for a short period of time) Keep in mind that the item falls into fire, burning the item, so as far as i know, you can't really spawn particles on the item. thanks to everyone for all the help! -Pandassaurus
  14. Hi, I made the code client side only (by adding @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) to the top of the method) two of the error lines are pointing to this code: mc.effectRenderer.addEffect((EntityFX) var21); BreakingBadParticleEffects.spawnParticle("Red Phosphorous", x, y + 0.5, z, 1, 1, 1); thanks, -Pandassaurus
  15. Hi again, 2 questions- 1. I found code for creating my own particle effects, and i tried it out. Whenever it's supposed to spawn, it instead crashes. It may be out of date, idk. this is what i have: and my code for spawning it in: BreakingBadParticleEffects.spawnParticle("Red Phosphorous", x, y, z, 1, 1, 1); (i'm not sure what the 1, 1, 1 does, btw) 2. Also, would there be a way to track the position of an item so that, in this case, releases particles when dropped into fire by the player? (On a side note, any good tutorials for structure generation?) Thanks! -Pandassaurus
  16. Yes! That worked, thanks! -Pandassaurus
  17. Hi, i tried, but alas, it didn't work. this is what i did: i think the end part there is wrong. idk. When i right click, it's invisible. Is it because of the render class or because of something else? Just in case, here are the other classes: Entity: Projectile: My client proxy line: RenderingRegistry.registerEntityRenderingHandler(EntityPizzaProjectile.class, new RenderPizzaProjectile(BreakingBad.PizzaProjectile_)); Thanks a lot for all the help! -Pandassaurus
  18. Hi, so i have the model class, but i don't know where to insert in into the code, and what else i would have to do. this is my code for the render class (i copied it from the render snowball class) thanks a lot, and any help is appreciated! -Pandassaurus
  19. Hi, I just have a quick question. Is it possible to render your own model to use as a projectile? The reason i'm asking is because i want to throw a pizza box, but it would look better if i make a rectangle in techne. Is there a way to do this? If not, do you have any ideas on how to make it look good? thanks, -Pandassaurus
  20. hi, thanks a lot! But, as far as i know, that only applies to the entire model. Is there a way to make it apply to a specific box? and if so, where would it go? thanks for the response, -Pandassaurus
  21. hi, i tried all i could and could not figure out if there was a way to make smaller models, or make transparent textures. If you figure it out, please do inform me. thanks! -Pandassaurus
  22. hi, well, i tried to do that, and i got an error. you have to have an integer in the size of the boxes, so is there a way around that? thanks, -Pandassaurus
  23. hi, would you just, in the code, change the numbers? thanks, -Pandassaurus
  24. Hi again, I just had two quick questions. For Techne, is there a way, or an alternative, so that i can make smaller models? all the cubes i make have to be between 1x1x1 and 0x0x0, so there isn't much to do if you want a smaller model. I'm asking if there's another program to use or if there's a way to make smaller blocks. Also, when i make the block and make textures for it, i want it to be transparent (with a tint of blue or white) on some models. But, when i do, it comes out to be a solid color, and it doesn't work. This happens when you hold an item in your hand that has a slightly faded texture: the whole color shows up for the texture. So, is there a way to make it slightly transparent through a method or certain color? thanks a lot! -Pandassaurus
  25. Hey, My specific liquid in breaking bad can only be contained by a polyethylene plastic container; it eats through most other materials. It would be lame to use a bucket to pick up the liquid then receive a plastic container with that liquid, only to place it back down and receive a bucket. I want to make this as close as i can to the show, so yeah. I'm not sure if it's possible, but i think it is, and would really like it to be. thanks, -Pandassaurus
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