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  1. This approach using the Gui Handler is interresting (and makes me think I still don't really understand why it is called Gui here). But what tickles me is the usage of MC obf stuff. The lesser we have, the lesser mod porting effort we have when MC updates ...
  2. Hello, I wanted to thank sirgingalot a lot, because I've tried lot of different approachs and finally it the one he provided that allowed me to do networking in 1.7. Previously I was using FMLEventChannel which is fine and very practical but it doesn't work in MP (issue with a client-only class invoked by the FML dispatcher). I also tried the SimpleNetwork but this one throws a Netty TypeMatching exception.
  3. EDIT/ I had similar questions but found answers, that I log here for convenience Events - ForgeSubscribe: replaced by @SubscribeEvent (not to miss with Subscribe, which uses a different type) - registering events is done with MinecraftForge.BUS_HANDLER Networking - Using tutorial located at http://www.minecraftforge.net/wiki/Netty_Packet_Handling (this one is the only one working for me this far) Regards
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