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  1. @GotoLink I know that I am not able to reference a non-static method in a static context normally but I do know there's a way to manage this, as I think this is the method they used for the setBlock Command of CommandBlocks in 1.7.2. If I am wrong and am using the wrong method I just want to know which method I gotta use in order to place a block at a position. @Draco18s I know it's not the same. world.setBlock() cannot be resolved, therefore World.setBlock() is the right option. I was just a little careless with the problem-description, sorry for that.
  2. Hi again! I'm working on a mod letting spawn an asteroid (Darkmatter_Block) with a chance of one tenth every time a new Chunk is generated. It should be spawned inside a 200 block radius from the player (for now I only included the positive values) The problem is: I get an error at the World.setBlock(plX, plY, plZ, 500); line at the very end. Eclipse tells me that I should "change the modifier of '.setBlock()' to 'static' " in the world.class but that would cause the world.class not to work I begin to doubt that .setBlock() is even the right method but tbh I don't find anything coming close to making more sense. If anyone sees my fault I would really appreciate some help with this. Probably it's just me being a little retarded^^ Thank you in advance =)
  3. Hi guys! The best way to do this was the Method onChunkGenerate(). It is a great way to trigger the loop and, unlike onChunkLoad(), it makes sure, that only new Chunks count^^
  4. Thx for your replies, I will make sure to check them out^^ (Will post again, when I get it to work)
  5. Hi! I wanted to make a mod letting asteroids fall from the sky. To make them more rare I wanted to let them appear using an If-Loop. But in order to initiate the loop I need a command (in the code ofc) which detects if a new chunk has been loaded. (Only newly generated chunks should be counted) Would be great if anyone could help me with this =)
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