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Posts posted by CarbonBasedGhost

  1. I'm not saying this is a bad idea but think of it this way, there are about 8 mods who use this and each uses it differently, the way it is used varies a moderate amount. It doesn't make sense to make an API (implemented in forge, a freestanding one is a different story) to support a varying underused system. There should be more time put into developing other things than this. If you want to take a crack at it I say it's worth a shot but I don't think at this time it makes sense for a forge developer to be doing this.

  2. I see this a bit far out of forge's intended reach as what can be used as heat is only done in a small collection of mods, it would make more sense for forge to support a macerator dictionary than this and even that sounds crazy. Also there would have to be some heat variable implemented and all the mods that use heat would have to support it and not all may want to use it.

  3. So I was making a core mod, I wanted to add something to simplify forge's furnace handling as I find it a bit bad as beginner modders seem to muck it up with if() statements making it a slight bit laggy when you put fuel with a lot of mods that add fuel installed. So I made this lightweight and easy to use FuelHandler that can accept blocks and items and output a fuel.


    I think this should be implemented into forge so beginning modders can have a more lightweight method of adding fuel, but I still think the fuel handler should stay for when modders want to experiment with NBT and metadata.


    Without further to do here it is:

    public class VinillaFurnaceFuelHandler implements IFuelHandler{


    public static HashMap<Item, Integer> FurnaceFuel = new HashMap<Item, Integer>();


    public class VinillaFurnaceFuelHandler implements IFuelHandler{
    public static HashMap<Item, Integer> FurnaceFuel = new HashMap<Item, Integer>();
    public static void RegisterFurnaceFuel(Item fuel, Integer burnTime){
    	FurnaceFuel.put(fuel, burnTime);
    public int getBurnTime(ItemStack fuel) {
    	Item ItemInFuelSlot = fuel.getItem();
    	Integer BurnTime = FurnaceFuel.get(ItemInFuelSlot);
    	if (BurnTime == null) return 0; else return BurnTime;	


    And to add blocks you need this (I did the same for items just for consistency):

    public static void addItemFurnaceFuel(Item fuel, Integer burnTime){
    	VinillaFurnaceFuelHandler.RegisterFurnaceFuel(fuel, burnTime);
    public static void addBlockFurnaceFuel (Block fuel, Integer burnTime){
    	VinillaFurnaceFuelHandler.RegisterFurnaceFuel(Item.getItemFromBlock(fuel), burnTime);


    I hope this can be added to forge.


    Thanks for reading!


  4. First off, I know how to code java so do not tell me to "go learn java" this should be exemplified in my code.


    My problem is simply how do I use a block as a furnace fuel? I came across the problem while making my core mod and thought I could find the answer here.


    So, this is the corresponding code but it registers items as furnace fuel:


    public class VinillaItemFurnaceFuelHandler implements IFuelHandler{
    public static HashMap<Item, Integer> FurnaceFuel = new HashMap<Item, Integer>();
    public static void RegisterFurnaceFuel(Item fuel, Integer burnTime){
    	FurnaceFuel.put(fuel, burnTime);
    public int getBurnTime(ItemStack fuel) {
    	Item ItemInFuelSlot = fuel.getItem();
    	Integer BurnTime = FurnaceFuel.get(ItemInFuelSlot);
    	if (BurnTime == null){
    		return 0;
    	} else return BurnTime;	


    Now I predict my problem with the upcoming code is I do not know how to get a Block for an ItemStack so if you know how to do so please say.


    public class VinillaItemFurnaceFuelHandler implements IFuelHandler{
    public static HashMap<Item, Integer> FurnaceFuel = new HashMap<Item, Integer>();
    public static void RegisterFurnaceFuel(Item fuel, Integer burnTime){
    	FurnaceFuel.put(fuel, burnTime);
    public int getBurnTime(ItemStack fuel) {
    	 //Here forward I am confused and do not know what to do
    	Item ItemInFuelSlot = fuel.getItem(); //I need to get the Block
    	Integer BurnTime = FurnaceFuel.get(ItemInFuelSlot);
                    //Here forward I am not confused
    	if (BurnTime == null){
    		return 0;
    	} else return BurnTime;	


    Thank You In Advanced,


  5. Everyone is repeating themselves >.>


    And a metadata block is the best way to go... Unless of course your block has special functionality depending on the color?

    @Kwibble just repeating this in case he doesn't understand (you obviously understand)


    and if it had a special functionality you'd have to make separate blocks (at you level of knowledge)

  6. Personally I'd make a block with the onRightClickedMethod() then in that method I would put a switch statement testing for each dye (by ore dictionary) and then if it is x dye it changes to x color.


    This would need to be a tile entity though.

  7. Hi so I am not that good at adding textures and things of that nature to the code because in the past I have just been a code coder no textures and rendering. I have had people do that for me. But now that I have taken up minecraft modding I have had to have started taking this task upon myself. Well it has been going fine for me until now. I want to make a block that has different textures for each side and faces the way the player entity placed it.


    Can anyone help me out. Another things I should say is I am using this for a base block class.


    Thanks in advanced,


  8. So first go into your forge folder and - shift ctrl right click, and click open command window here. in there type "gradlew.bat setupDecompWorkspace eclipse" it will load for a minute or so then when it's done set your eclipse workspace to forge/eclipse.


    Note this is not the fabled Pahimar setup which is just as easy to setup but you are new so I wouldn't recommend it.

  9. So you seem to have little to none knowledge of either java or forge. There are thousands of differences between those versions and there is no possible way anyone would have made something to do that. NO WAY! In between that time variables where renamed things were completely redone and let's not forget we do not use item Ids anymore.

  10. if (l == 0)
                par1World.setBlockMetadataWithNotify(par2, par3, par4, 2, 2);
            if (l == 1)
                par1World.setBlockMetadataWithNotify(par2, par3, par4, 5, 2);
            if (l == 2)
                par1World.setBlockMetadataWithNotify(par2, par3, par4, 3, 2);
            if (l == 3)
                par1World.setBlockMetadataWithNotify(par2, par3, par4, 4, 2);
            if (par6ItemStack.hasDisplayName())
                ((TileHeatFurnace)par1World.getBlockTileEntity(par2, par3, par4)).setGuiDisplayName(par6ItemStack.getDisplayName());

    I assume I can ignore all the return statements if I am making this a base class for all Blocks/Block Containers?

  11. So I have a machine thingy that tells you what mining level your at. Well I have come across a problem when using my machine I need to click on a block. How do I stop this from happening and make it so you can just click on air.


    Item Class:


    public class Cordinate_Check extends Item_TypeNormal
    public Cordinate_Check(){
    this.maxStackSize = 1;
    public boolean onItemUse(ItemStack par1ItemStack, EntityPlayer par2EntityPlayer, World par3World, int par4, int par5, int par6, int par7, float par8, float par9, float par10)
    if (par3World.isRemote)
            return true;
    if (par5 >= 1 && par5 <= 15 )
    	Minecraft.getMinecraft().thePlayer.addChatMessage(new ChatComponentText("level == diamondLevel"));
    if (par5 >= 16 && par5 <= 32)
    	Minecraft.getMinecraft().thePlayer.addChatMessage(new ChatComponentText("level == ironLevel"));
    if (par5 >= 33 && par5 <= 52)
    	Minecraft.getMinecraft().thePlayer.addChatMessage(new ChatComponentText("level == coalLevel"));
    if (par5 >= 53)
    	Minecraft.getMinecraft().thePlayer.addChatMessage(new ChatComponentText("level == null"));
    	return false;

  12. So I apologize for my ignorance in advanced because I know someones going to get mad at me for my lack of knowledge but how would I make an item do something when it is right clicked and get coordinates. You do not have to tell me what to do just what classes I should look in to achieve this.


    update found onRightClick method what should I do to get the coordinates.

  13. So I have a block that tests for certain blocks beside it and if the right block comes up I want it to say a chat message. So how would I do that. I am not interested in using the language registry yet so I just want to say something.

    (To the nearest player would be nice as well)

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