In the mod I'm making, I want the user to be able to type "SLEnable" to enable the mod and "SLDisable to disable the mod. This works fine while ingame, but when you exit the game and rejoin, it goes back to the default state of being enabled. After looking in the forge/mcp/jars/config directory, I found that the configuration file is simply not changing when these "commands" are being run. I looked at this post: http://www.minecraftforge.net/forum/index.php/topic,7746.0.html. I changed my boolean "Enabled" variable to a Property and used the Property.set() method but the config file is still not changing.
My Body Class (SLMain.java):
My ChatHandler class (SLChatHandler.java):
Why is the Enabled property not changing in the configuration file? By the way, disregard the fact that the
MinecraftForge.EVENT_BUS.register(new SLChatHandler());
was in the postInit instead of the load. I did that in an attempt to troubleshoot something earlier.
Thanks, Clarinetncleats3