I got a NullPointerException:
import net.minecraftforge.client.event.GuiOpenEvent;
import net.minecraftforge.event.ForgeSubscribe;
public class Core_Listener {
public void Menu(GuiOpenEvent e){
e.gui.drawScreen(50, 10, 5f);
Hey Guys.
I searched for about 4 hours for this problem and I don't found anything...
Now here is my Question:
How can I edit the Main Menu (delete Buttons, edit Buttons, create new Buttons, etc.)?
Please be insightful for my bad English (I'm German) and I warn you I'm a beginner ...
But how do I make it?
To Remove a vanilla recipe, I need to make this:
removeRecipes(new ItemStack(Item.arrow));
But how do I make it for a mod recipe? The Item isn't in the Item.java. How can I do this?
I want to code a mod to make Crafting Recipes from this mod cheaper.
How can I delete the Recipes for this mod, I only found a method to delete vanilla recipes.
How can I delete the recipe of an another Mod?