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Tree Puncher

Tree Puncher (2/8)



  1. That was a fast reply! Good way to go but I can't find any event/handler to help with this (Loading/Saving extended data when the original data is loaded/saved). I tried tracking back to see how loading/saving for tile entity is handled and have no luck. Which event/handler would you suggest? EDIT: Just found ChunkDataEvent....that might help
  2. Is there anyway to add more properties to the existing tile entity with NBT saving and loading support (like what I can do with Entity using IExtendedEntityProperties). For example, add owner to TileEntityChest. Any suggestion is very appreciated. Thank you.
  3. I try to use ResourceLocation to load resource in coremod. Resource domain have no space nor capital letter. My code work fine in eclipse but not in the game. I've searched through the forum and googling and found someone with the same problem here http://www.minecraftforge.net/forum/index.php?topic=10316.0 but got no answer. So I put up a new topic. What am I doing wrong? Please help. ResourceLocation init: My jar structure: client_core.jar --> META-INF ----> MANIFEST.MF --> _fdb ----> fdbported_core_client ------> **All codes go here** --> assets ----> fdbported_client_core ------> textures --------> thai.png
  4. That's an interesting workaround. I'll give it a try! However, I still need some explanations of the error since I'll be using more of method patching to edit some classes.
  5. Okay, I've tried printing out stack trace in case that transformation fails and got no more info. I also forgot to mention that one of the exception is caused by the line: So it should be that no error occurs during transformation. Also, I didn't replace any class. If you read my code, what I've done is method patching (actually just change 1 line of code). Anyway, thanks for your reply
  6. I guess I solved the problem, just remove "ClassWriter.COMPUTE_FRAMES" when creating ClassWriter object and the error rooted from that line disappears. There are other problems left but I'll make another post as the cause(s) are quite different from this situation. (I think they are about how Forge load the mod and JAR structure) ========================================= Hello, I'm making a coremod that replace current title screen (GuiMainMenu) with my own (GuiCustomMainMenu) by changing a line of code in net.minecraft.client.Minecraft#startNewGame() to my own version. From To It works fine when I run my coremod in eclipse but there's bunch of errors when running from the game. From the log, it seems that Forge cannot find "Minecraft.class", which are obfuscated to "atv" in 1.6.4. It also says that no class "avc" which actually exist in the game jar file (as of 1.6.4). My error log and transformer class are shown below. Any help is welcome. Thanks in advance. EDIT: forgot to mention that one of the exception is caused by the line: Error log Transformer class
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