Hello, I am not exactly sure where to post this, I apologize if this is the wrong portion of the form. I am looking for some help with a mod.
I am having a problem installing tropicraft. It continues to crash after the mojang intro screen each time I try to load it.
I use magic launcher to assist in installing the mods.
I have tried may combinations and have tried loading it with only the required mods to run tropicraft. I would like to note that the weather and CoroAI mods seem to be loading fine. The other mods I used were also working fine this hole time. At least from what I can tell.
Any assistance in trying to ascertain and fix the issue I seem to be having is greatly appreciated. Below I have provided 4 crash reports. The crash report from forge and minecraft, with and with out minimal mods.
The Crash Report From Forge (Mods Active in order: Forge, Player API Universal, Render API, Tropicraft)
Crash Report File from Minecraft (Mods Active in order: Forge, Player API Universal, Render API, Tropicraft)
The Crash Report From Forge (Mods Active in order: Audio Mod, Forge, Player API Universal, Render API, Optifine HD-U-D3, Too many Items, Twilight forest, tropicraft, Coro AI, Weather, Minecraft comes alive, Rei's minimap, Ellian Detector, Jammy's furniture mod, Shelf and armor stand)
Crash Report File from Minecraft (Mods Active in order: Audio Mod, Forge, Player API Universal, Render API, Optifine HD-U-D3, Too many Items, Twilight forest, tropicraft, Coro AI, Weather, Minecraft comes alive, Rei's minimap, Ellian Detector, Jammy's furniture mod, Shelf and armor stand)