My son and I want to make a mod, I coded in the past and he is learning but knows Minecraft so a good team.
Setup Eclipse and Forge, sample runs and we can put in some test code - so all is well - thank you.
We put it a popup message.
Then we added code to make a diamond out of dirt in the crafting table.
Ok. so now we want to make our own block.
However we are seeing some issues with the sample code around on websites and youtube, namely.
- setUnlocalizedName does not seem to be available
- addName seems to be deprecated
- when extending Block the super class does not take material like it does in most examples public Something(int id, Material mat) { super(id, mat); }
Leads me to think we are not in sync with some version of minecraft or Forge. So some versions.
When we run minecraft as a client in debug the minecraft splashscreen has.
- Minecraft 1.7.2
- MCP v9.01-pre
- FML v7.2.116.1024
- Forge
- 4 mods loaded, 4 mods active (goes to 3 when we try to add a block)
He wants to make a big chest with some colours on it. I just want it to compile :-)