I want to render the same compiled model for being on the ground, in the inventory, in hand in first person, and in hand in third person.
This is why I need IItemRenderer.
It had the ability to render said model, which I would be rendering on the go based on the blocks stored in the itemstack.
Rendering it on the head is relatively simple, as there is the RenderPlayerEvent.
But there's no "RenderItemEvent". IItemRenderer was that event, essentially.
I want to iterate through a list of itemstacks stored on the itemstack (via a compound tag list) that is either equipped, or in hand/inventory/on the ground, and render each block.
If it's possible to do that without the use of IItemRenderer, then it would be very swell to have a link returned.
I'm all for keeping the methods of rendering to the new default way, but we at least need a way to compile our own unique, per-itemstack models on the fly.
As for your suggestion, if it still pertains to the above re-defined description, how would I go about doing that? Do we already have tutorials made for going from using the old IItemRenderer + GL function and Tessellator method to this new system? If it isn't possible to do what I am describing with the new rendering method, then why abandon a functional component, that does get it done, without limiting the creative boundaries of Minecraft. I would say it should be noted to use the new system as much as possible, but if you really must, then feel free to use the old method.