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  1. But the mods directory is part of the game directory. My current profile shows .minecraft as the game directory, and in there is the mods folder. If the forge versions are always installed into the same .minecraft folder, then how do I keep the mods separate for each minecraft revision? 1.7.2 and 1.6.4 forges would both land in .minecraft, no? As would all mods.
  2. Thanks! I'll bold the part where I get stuck a little. Doesn't keeping the default directory like that ensure that the forge mod will be in the default directory and not the new c:\Minecraft\Orespawn\... directory? As a java engineer since 1995 I'm having trouble figuring out the model for this. The mod, being a mod for other mods, seems to behave differently. Thanks for your patience...I'm trying to catch up to this.
  3. Ok, thanks. I guess my next question is, how does MC keep the profile information separate? For instance, my mods are currently dropped into this directory (Win7Ult/64) C:\Users\zzzzz\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\mods (zzzzz would be the windows login they use). It contains the 1.7.2 mods: Blocklings-v1.2.0-MC1.7.2.jar forge-1.7.2- MrCrayfishFurnitureModv3.2.9.2-beta-build2(1.7.2).jar secretroomsmod-1.7.2- SecurityCraft_v1.5_for_1.7.2.jar twilightforest-1.7.2-2.0.2.jar The profile editor allows me to choose a new version. The current one is 1.7.2 with some forge name. Does this mean that forge exists as its own full minecraft version and no mere mod to the current version? I'm assuming then that I'd need to have an 1.6.4 with forge in there (I don't yet). And that I'd then have to have it point to a different game directory to house all my 1.6.4 info?
  4. My kids are running MC 1.7.2, and using forge, but often there are mods that are only available for 1.6.4. The "orespawn" mod is the most recent example of this. Theoretically I can use a different minecraft-launcher profile to run multiple versions, but in order to use forge I have to have the current profile be "Forge", no? Or is this incorrect? I'm not sure why Forge is latched to a particular profile, nor am I sure how to run multiple versions AND forge, and I can't seem to find this online anywhere. Thanks!
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