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    Hurr durr?

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Tree Puncher

Tree Puncher (2/8)



  1. i dont get the texture error anymore, not i just get the invisible model issue
  2. Ill try it in around 30 minutes, right now im upgrading my pc
  3. not sure what you mean by that.... and im not sure if you understood, i meant one crafting recipe for multiple items, but only one. kind of like tinkers construct tool building but completely random with specific materials. for example, i make a pickaxe recipe with sticks and a custom material, the recipe chooses from a random set of parts, like one of 5 different handles and one of 8 different pickaxe heads. and makes up a name based on a list of words EDIT: i got the item model in the game, but it wont load the texture, its invisible. it thinks theres no texture in the path when i put the texture in the path Texture code: Texture load error: Texture path in windows:
  4. also i want to make a tool procedurally generated when crafted, like starbound tools are randomized. for example you craft a pickaxe from a single recipe, and a random one comes up, randomized textures random enchants (if lucky) and maybe random names from a list of words EDIT: and you can find really rare ones in dungeon chests and rare mob drops
  5. i want to make a 3d item model, i already have the model, the texture and the tool class but i dont know where to start on making the model for the item in game appear. anyone know how to make a 3d tool that renders when held and dropped?
  6. it must have been something with my class everything he says to change/remove/add are already there and techne said they were in the right spot i tried his code and it worked fine
  7. i dont know very many mods that do it i can only think of bloodmagic and that didnt help at all... you know one?
  8. mainly full mods, modpacks ads and links to this forum leading to my topic EDIT: and a lot of mcreator links
  9. i was thinking that but the visor part (green bar) only appears when i put the helmet on and the shoulder pads (boxes on the back) only appear when i have the chestplate on
  10. hello again... i thought this would be an easy fix but i guess not first image is expected and last 2 are what are shown in game http://imgur.com/a/ymvOs heres my clientproxy http://pastebin.com/GeR18CBF my model class http://pastebin.com/E3GxvvbD and my armor class http://pastebin.com/wqGDfrx0
  11. omg thank you so much the only problem is that the models are positioned wrong but i can fix that. thanks
  12. sorry its a jumble.. i havent really gotten to find out a way to organize the catecoried to classes
  13. i meant it does the same as the second picture in http://imgur.com/a/Ff9Vj Armor model http://pastebin.com/v4qWeLT3 Armor render/texture.. stuff class http://pastebin.com/zcrtuR2Q it didnt have the model stuff because it was before i put the model code in... sorry if im being hard to understand.. i just need to know what to explain if i get confusing
  14. I changed it to what it was before i did major changes http://pastebin.com/zaSetsE5 any way to implement it to this? Forgot to mention the custom armor uses a 64x64 texture and well Heres a comparison of what it should be and is http://imgur.com/a/Ff9Vj EDIT#2 it does the same thing with the old class
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