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Tree Puncher

Tree Puncher (2/8)



  1. problem fix thanks for you awesome help!
  2. And I have a error without eclipse, with the reobuscate class: 48:12 [iNFOS] [sTDERR] Exception in thread "Skin downloader: http://antibiotique.perso.sfr.fr/skins/gargan.png" java.lang.NoSuchFieldError: imageHeight [00:48:12 INFO]: Client> 2014-07-09 00:48:12 [iNFOS] [sTDERR] at net.minecraft.client.renderer.ImageBufferDownload.func_78432_a(SourceFile:15) [00:48:12 INFO]: Client> 2014-07-09 00:48:12 [iNFOS] [sTDERR] at net.minecraft.client.renderer.ThreadDownloadImageDataINNER1.run(SourceFile:76)
  3. Oh my god AMAZING! It works! Thanks a lot for your help! thanks to you I can fix all errors! http://img15.hostingpics.net/thumbs/mini_74611620140709001037.png[/img] But it I reobfbuscate I will have error no? For instance toInjectAreaOpaque2.add(new FieldInsnNode(GETFIELD, "net/minecraft/client/renderer/ImageBufferDownload", "imageHeight", "I")); will don't work because the obuscate name of ImageBufferDownload it's bfn?
  4. Y Yes but aload 0 is alredy before bipush All my problem come to targetnode affectation and bipush index. I have resolved this problem What there are two opcode -1? In my eclipse plugin bytecode outline I see one opcode FRAME SAME? Sorry I don't think to translate my comments I have finish to patch the function... AND I HAVE A ERROR :'( The crash report http://pastebin.com/7yvyMShG obviously there is a cast problem. My code: http://pastebin.com/0TXer5jp I lose hope...
  5. I used System.print.out to debug and I have two opcode -1 so I correct the bipush_index + 3 and bipush_index + 4 to bipush_index + 5 and bipush_index + 6 I have also change the loop for targetNode affectation http://pastebin.com/LpfdgKxt But I have the same error I didn't saw you reply I correct this
  6. Ok! Before to try to do the condition I try to change this.imageWidth = 64; this.imageHeight = 32; to this.imageWidth = par1BufferedImage.getWidth(); this.imageHeight = par1BufferedImage.getHeight(); So It's the bytecode of the vanilla function: http://pastebin.com/3WZ3yfnc And I do this: http://pastebin.com/tcXz3uZx But I have a crash http://pastebin.com/35umU3Tm I don't understand why!
  7. Ok But I need label to add condition if(this.imageHeight != this.imageWidth/2){ return null; } with the opcode IFNONNULL no ? Or I must use LINENUMBER? And what is FRAME SAME ? the bytecode of "this.imageWidth = par1BufferedImage.getWidth();" : mv.visitVarInsn(ALOAD, 0); mv.visitVarInsn(ALOAD, 1); mv.visitMethodInsn(INVOKEVIRTUAL, "java/awt/image/BufferedImage", "getWidth", "()I", false); mv.visitFieldInsn(PUTFIELD, "net/minecraft/client/renderer/ImageBufferDownload", "imageWidth", "I"); Why there is ALOAD 0? It serve no purpose!
  8. I have get the bytecodes of class modified function http://pastebin.com/kjL7Hc5P vanilla function http://pastebin.com/cVMswNWq But what it's L0 L1 L2... I believe that is the line but they don't is on the good order
  9. I have the vanilla class ImageBufferDownload and I want to transform the vanilla function parseUserSkin (http://pastebin.com/E9burVR4) to http://pastebin.com/TSinTCsA. So I try to change line to line like in the tutorial. But here, I have a lot of change. I think this method isn't feasible in this case. I looked for a other method to change the function. I think to do this: remove all instruction in parseUserSkin and, instead of instruction add a call to a static function. But I can't do this beacause in parseUserSkin I need to call functions and change field witch are in ImageBufferDownload
  10. I try to patch the class line to line like in this tutorial http://www.minecraftforum.net/forums/mapping-and-modding/mapping-and-modding-tutorials/1571568-tutorial-1-6-2-changing-vanilla-without-editingbut i have almost all the line to change is very laborious! How can do this differently? I think delete all the instruction and call a function like I have do to the getSkin function but I cant because I need to change field and call metho of the class ImageBufferDownload
  11. Yes but i must use what method of the asm library to do that?
  12. I want to rewrite parseUserSkin to support the hd. I think the most easy is to do this: - I will delete all the the instructions - I add a call to a method - I rewrite parseUserSkin in this method But, to do this, I need to access to the field and change their value So I think use fieldvisitor to have the value of the field but I don't know how change the value and call functions in ImageBufferDownload.
  13. I can get the field with field visitor but how change the fields? And how call a method like hastransparence since a other class with asm?
  14. Ok so I will to change to patch only parseskin. I have a problem to optifine: We don't see the skin when optifine is installed. do you know why? And how access to the field imageheight et imagewidht with asm?
  15. Yes but the class is replaced with ASM thank's to the method patchJar. It's not good?
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