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    Where the Moose live
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    this.dumb = null

Epicballzy's Achievements

Tree Puncher

Tree Puncher (2/8)



  1. Change the double quotes on the single S to single quotes.. (from " to ')
  2. How would I change a mobs attack range? My mob works great, but if there's a one block gap between me and the mob, I still get damaged. Is there any easy way to do this? Thanks!
  3. Oh.. That was super easy ^.^ Thanks!
  4. I've been searching everywhere for a tutorial on how to export your mod (1.7.2)... But I just can't find one. Can anyone help? Thanks
  5. So does anyone know how to do this? I'm pretty sure its simple but I can't really access any class files to look at...
  6. Yes.. I have to update the version any ways so I'll see if that fixes it
  7. When I try and open a class, it says class not found...
  8. I'm sort of a beginner in creating mods, but I've made a mod that adds some ores and I'm wondering how I would make the ore drop an item instead of the ore. Kind of like breaking a diamond ore and it drops a diamond unless you use a silk pick.. Any suggestions? Thanks
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