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Everything posted by BeginnerModder

  1. Is there a way to get the current server ip im logged on? Havent found anything else than setServer().
  2. EntityItem#getItem() Is that even java? There is no getItem method in EntityItem.
  3. I didnt find a way to get the item id with that code, the code works but i still didnt get the item id with it. How to get the item id like 1 for stone? Entityid seems to be random 5 numbers
  4. Instead of using Minecraft.getMinecraft(), what should i use? Could you give me a simple code that returns a list of loaded item ids. I mean items on ground that are loaded. I also mean client side. Items loaded around player.
  5. Hi, i have tried to get item ids of loaded entities. It seems to give a random entity id with like six numbers. I used this Minecraft.getMinecraft().theWorld.getLoadedEntityList(). Is there some way to get item ids of all loaded entities and also check if its actually item and not like mob?
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