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  1. Hey guys, I'm using the xbox kinect, an oculus rift , and a hand joystick to create a complete virtual minecraft experience. So far, I have the oculus part done, and right now I'm in the kinect portion of my project. So far, I have steves arms rotate at my arms angle (Live rendering), as well as the ability to add any other capabilities using kinect data. But right now I'm having a huge issue, I wrote a piece of code that tells minecraft when to "break a block". It works since when i swing my arm the console prints ("Block broke").Now i want to actually break a block (or hit it as if i pressed left click on my mouse) and I cant seen to find how to activate the break block function without the use of the mouse (left click). In other words, minecraft receives the "break block" signal but does not know how to handle it. Do any of you know what this function is? Where it's found, and how I could implement it? After this is done, the oculus will be able to point to the block which you want to brake and you will simply need to swing your arm as if you were actually mining the block. Thanks!
  2. Yea i kinda figured, but i dont know where minecraft makes an instance of the renderPlayer. I dont want to make the methods static im sure that will mess up the game
  3. Hey guys I'm relatively new to modding, and so far I've followed tutorials on how to make blocks, items, etc. Now I want to begin making a mod where I can manipulate Steve's arms. Unfortunately I haven't been able to find the part in the forge package that allows me to control his arms (By control i mean the way they move from a 3rd person point of view). Can anyone tell me which java file gives me access to his arms in a third person view. (I already found out how to manipulate them in 1st person). And if you guys can, any advice on how to make the arms move a certain way like all the way up. Thanks
  4. Hey guys, I'm not sure if this is a stupid problem but i keep trying to run client on eclipse and I get this error in the console: https://gist.github.com/anonymous/9744963 I think the issue originates from me using the university computers to mod, they use a domain for us to log in and have our own virtual OS running so I think the URI exception is coming from here ALTHOUGH: I managed to get administrator permission in this computer because I'm working in some research,so I moved the eclipse and Forge(containing gradlew) folders into the C: drive away from the virtual OS partition and tried running it but i still have this problem. Minecraft is in the usual C:\ **** appdata\roaming\.minecraft folder. I set the system variables right, i configured the running variables right too. At the end of setting up gradlew it said build successful. I really dont know how to fix the issue, i thought getting admin access would solve the issue when i ran it from the C:\ drive. Please help
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