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  1. Thanks for your help, I ended up creating a new WorldType with a custom ChunkProviderGenerate instead. I have one more thing to ask, maybe you (or someone else who reads this) know the answer. In MapGenVillage, there are two fields: this.field_82665_g = 32; this.field_82666_h = 8; I think the first one has something to to with distance to other villages, correct me if I'm wrong. But I have no idea what the second one does, can anyone help me here?
  2. I'm creating my own custom village separate from the vanilla one. Would this be the only way or is there any other way you can think of which doesn't have anything to do with IWorldGenerator (like the vanilla structures as far as I know)?
  3. Does no one know anything about this?
  4. I have created a custom village, and have just copied minecraft's code for now to get things to work. But I'm unsure on how to get the structure to actually generate. I have done the MapGenStructureIO.registerStructure... and the StructureVillagePieces.registerVillagePieces(); in my main mod class. But what more do I have to do? The vanilla structures are generated in ChunkProviderGenerate.class from what I understand, how do I get my structure to spawn? Would InitMapGenEvent help with this? If so, how do I use it properly? EDIT: I created a custom world type, so things work now. I have a new question though, about these two fields in MapGenVillage: this.field_82665_g = 32; this.field_82666_h = 8; Anyone knows what these do? I think the first one has something to do with distance to other villages, but I'm not sure about the other one.
  5. THANK YOU!!! Your guide made me realize that I hadn't written the mod id in the blockstate.json files when defining the models! I'm stupid...
  6. Yeah, that removed the error messages, but the door still doesn't look as it should. It's still two blocks tall, pink and black checker patterned and acts like a door (you can open and close it) but it doesn't look like a door, just like before. These errors are left:
  7. Hm, okay. So you have no idea why it isn't working for me?
  8. Alright, here's my blockstates.json (it's the same as the vanilla ones): And I have tried to get the game to ignore the POWERED property: PVMBlock.java I don't understand why I would need to add anything into the .json because the vanilla doors work fine without it? (the cornplant model doesn't work either, but all my items work perfectly)
  9. What didn't change anything was adding all properties to one statemapper, I thougth it wasn't needed to post the code again when it's pretty much the same as I posted right above. I ignored all properties to see if the errors would go away, that wasn't the case. Yes, I need the states because I'm making a door almost exactly the same as the vanilla ones. I think doors need multiple models (for when they're open or closed for example) so I don't think that will work.
  10. I tried doing what you told me to-, but it didn't work. Here's the updated PVMBlock.java: Yes, I have tried to only ignore the POWERED property.
  11. So I'm currently making a custom door and I pretty much copied the BlockDoor.java. But the texture and model doesn't work and I'm pretty sure it's due to these errors when starting the client: What I think is weird with this is that I just copied a vanilla door blockstate .JSON where this stuff is defined, but they don't need the 'powered=' and the other things in there. What's wrong? This is my code for the door. PVMBlock.java BlockPVMDoor.java Help?
  12. Alright, thanks for the help I guess... Could you (or someone else) atleast explain what's wrong with the class so I can learn and use it in possible future experiences?
  13. I created this class: Which is how structures are registred in MapGenIO:
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